Ultimate Traffic users


Charter Member 2010
Hey guys, just wondering how many of you are or did use Ultimate Traffic for FS9. Thinking about getting it because I'm not real happy with the freeware AI traffic programs that I have. Want something more real.

If you do or did have it, what are your feelings about it. Easy to use? Does it automatically set up the traffic for you? What kind of frame rate hit does it have?

Thanks for your answers in advance.

I'm running mostly World of AI packages and the proper airliners seem to show up at the appropriate times at the airport where I used to work.

I put Traffic X on my FSX install and was disappointed. I highly doubt that Northwest flies an RJ-85 from Burlington VT to Seattle non-stop. I only saw one airliner (the aforementioned RJ) at BTV for over an hour (in FSX) In FS9 at the same time of day with a pile of WOAI packages installed, I have Jet Blue, Expressjet, and all the united and US air commuters where they should be...

From what I've seen the freeware packages are much more accurate...

I purchased both My Traffic and UT. I deleted My Traffic and went with UT. The aircraft look just fine for me and you can have as much traffic as you like or can handle. Frame rates are acceptable. The only thing UT doesn't have is Military Traffic. I use some freeware programs for that.
Look for the Adobe Traffic with Tantris AI--its freeware and i have it installed on fs9. Its WAY better than anything I could pay for and its free. Careful while installing, though--the instructions are in Korean:ernae:
Adobe Traffic is really good IMHO for 'International' use, while the VOZ AI is outstanding but only works in Vista Australis ..... :applause: