un coopraitive joy stick


Charter Member
when i try to throtel up in 2004 ith engen revs up then back down. also it seems that the engen dosent go through the full trotel range.
check to see if you have auto throttle engaged. It's part of the autopilot, and will do that.

Also, check in your controls menu, for sensetivities. default usually has them about 50%, and some null zone installed. Change them to full 100% sensetivity, and 0% null.
Does this happen with just one aircraft, or all? If "all" it's more likely to be a joystick/controller setting in FS. If it's only one plane (or a couple) then...

As Don says, check autothrottle - in some aircraft/autopilot models there is a separate switch (on the panel or autopilot) to engage A/T (B747 is an example)- on others it engages automatically when you select a Mach or speed Hold -even with the rest of the autopilot turned 'off'. The catch is that a few aircraft may load with the autopilot turned on (it's caught a lot of people be surprise) so even if you haven't made a selection, it's possible it's already engaged. Easiest way to cure this is to do a good "preflight" after starting engines to make sure nothing is inadvertently set.
