Unable to Download new g_u_boat.xdp update


Charter Member
I have tried the following methods. The first one is to save download to My Documents and then extract file. Second method is to open file.

In both cases I get the following notices:

Unknown method in g_u_boat.xdp

No file to extract

I use the WinRAR system. The g_u_boat.zip was one of five I downloaded at the same time. The other four were no problem.
Hi Guys,

Hi rcafmad,

Just downloaded the file, I get the same error. it may have been corrupted whilt crossram was making the zip file. I'm sure he'll upload another shortly.

regards Rob.
I had no problem downloading and opening but the .xpd is blank. It must have been corrupted during upload. Crossram nice flak ship, thanks!
When I uploaded the file, it was a straight copy of the xdp. It wasn't zipped. Sounds as some are getting it okay, some not. I tried twice, and haven't found it yet! Lol.

Sorry some of you are having trouble.
We'll try this. I'm attaching a .txt that has the needed entries in it, exactly how they should look in the xdp.

I will caution you though. Don't copy/paste from this txt into your xdp!!
Every time I've tried that, from one xdp to another, it's always corrupted the xdp.

Simply use this txt as a GUIDE. And make sure to make a safe COPY of the xdp...before you do anything. You can copy/paste inside the same xdp all day long, so simply add the needed entries, and edit them.
to Administrators

Administrators (Henry) -

Sorry for the confusion on this one. Is It possible to either remove the uploaded xdp, or correct the upload? If needed, I can actually zip the file myself, and re-upload. Just don't want to add any more confusion to the issue.
Please let me know.

Thank you, sirs!
Hi Guys,

Thanks Ted for the text file, I'll use that method.

I just tried downloading again, have opened it with winzip, winrar and the windows defualt zip opener with no luck.

but I'm sorted with the text file.

thanks for the Flak ship lovely peice of work..

regards Rob.
I have a quick question: Can ships be piloted in CFS3? Like in Free Flight? Or are these just good targets to shoot at?
Thanks for the comments, guys.
I suppose there was a prob trying to upload a xdp all by itself.

Not that much, but think I'll also upload a smaller fix. Lol...this time I will zip it!

It's a fix for the deck guns, on both the flakship and U-boat. Pretty sure they are firing at a/c, too. The fix will only involve two guns, both somewhat new, and will not overwrite any existing guns.
I'll also include revised xdps for both ships, using these guns, for both ships, for anyone to use.

With all the rounds flying, sure don't need any 88mm, or 105mm, off a ship deck!
There are several driveable ships, Some that come to mind are at Phillip M's site, and Regs hanger I think is a Driveable Ground Crew Sub? (Type VII) and a MTB ?? And I have some older Driveable ships A destroyer and a Cruiser ..But, I downloaded them years ago..And I don't remember where they were at..I made a couple of missions using them..Needless to say I didn't always win, OPPPS..
And there are several missions made by others that I remember..:applause:
And Thank you for the Great little german ship..
Another kind Gift to many