I've experienced the same sort of thing flying the IL2-series of games, aircraft warping around, appearing/disappering and all sorts of other nonsense.
If you want a more satisfactory result:
1) Make sure you have plenty of bandwidth, up and down.
2) Fly with folks that are geographically correct, in relatively close proximity to yourself, to help minimize your ping.
3) Adjust the number of players admitted to the flight once that you've got items 1 and 2 nailed down. When things start to get silly, dial back the number of participants and bar additional clients.
In the absence of (a) dedicated server(s), that's about all you can do given the amount of data that has to be exchanged. Even server-based hosting is far from perfect in these regards. OFF ought to fly awesome on a GB-LAN, although I've never tried it.
i have removed my original answer in respect to the developers but you are wrong in your statement ivanmoe.lets just agree to disagee as no disrespect to you is intended.
I think the developers intent was and is what it is.
A beautifully put together work of art for the person who
A-- Loves ww-1 flight sims
B-- Will actually fly into history with the campaign manager. An absolutly outstanding accomplishment reeking of history.
C-- Tailor made for those who love single play.
Lets tell it like it is and leave it at that.
This is a single play game with Varying degree's of multi play sucess and anything you derive out of it other than single play is indeed a bonas.
The team and Devloper WM have put their heart, soul and indeed virtually their life's blood into what is ''THE CAMPAIGN PLAY WW-1 SIM '' without equal.
although disappointing for us onliner's I think we are wrong in exspecting ''on line play'' from a sim that was intended as single play to begin with.
In closeing, let me say i wish them all the sucess in the world for such a herculean effort to bring ww-1 to life.for those who love ww-1 flight and wish to persue it to the fullest in a self generating campaign this sim is a MUST HAVE.
For the online crowd,be prepared to work at it, get a small group together and work out the problems together. I feel if you will PM a gentleman called ''Stumpjumper'' here at S.O.H. he just may be the guy with the fortitude and determination to make your online exsperience more enjoyable.
happy flying to all,