Charter Member
Ever had your flight chundle around behind you with their wheels down when you are flying a scripted mission? Its a real drag .
I've been flying a few missions in MAW43 and Bob recently, which I am enjoying because I usually fly campaigns. A fairly common problem is that the mission builder has made an omission which results in your own wingmen flying about with wheels down. You can go into the particular mission's xml file and quickly fix the problem.
What to look for is the Player Formation, where your aircraft is identified as IsPlayer="y". Within that AirFormation entry, are a series of waypoints within the Route section. For the player formation, the first waypoint entry is often set for a zero altitude Alt="0.00". Also the speed is often set for zero ie. Speed="0.00".
In this case, your flight is going to take off from the ground rather than start in the air. So if the first Waypoint Type in that case says "turn", that will create a problem where your flight will not lift its undercarriage. What you need to do, (for your own flight only), is to change that Waypoint Type to "takeoff".
So the first waypoint entry will look something like this:
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0.00" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N41*39'23.4984"" Lon="E15*31'13.0042"" Alt="0.00"/>
Having this "takeoff" waypoint type seems to prompt your AI wingmen to lift their undercarriages after takeoff. Problem solved!
I've been flying a few missions in MAW43 and Bob recently, which I am enjoying because I usually fly campaigns. A fairly common problem is that the mission builder has made an omission which results in your own wingmen flying about with wheels down. You can go into the particular mission's xml file and quickly fix the problem.
What to look for is the Player Formation, where your aircraft is identified as IsPlayer="y". Within that AirFormation entry, are a series of waypoints within the Route section. For the player formation, the first waypoint entry is often set for a zero altitude Alt="0.00". Also the speed is often set for zero ie. Speed="0.00".
In this case, your flight is going to take off from the ground rather than start in the air. So if the first Waypoint Type in that case says "turn", that will create a problem where your flight will not lift its undercarriage. What you need to do, (for your own flight only), is to change that Waypoint Type to "takeoff".
So the first waypoint entry will look something like this:
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0.00" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N41*39'23.4984"" Lon="E15*31'13.0042"" Alt="0.00"/>
Having this "takeoff" waypoint type seems to prompt your AI wingmen to lift their undercarriages after takeoff. Problem solved!