SOH isn't available e.g .in China and a few other countries. Anyone knows why?
....That would place SOH in league with websites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. The mainland Chinese government there has lowered their visibility a bit compared to the old days,
but have no misconception, it's still an autocratic state. If they sense anything that conflicts with their mindset, whether it be political, economic or social, it's an official clamp-down, without explaination. Stuff just dissapears.
Interestingly....Folks in China have really mastered proxy-getarounds. But leaves you needing a remote e-mail addy to register things, and that's often rejected. Life ain't fair....can't make the world right in a day. Sites like this one must protect themselves too. If there's enough hunger, they'll figure out the fix.
The interesting part (for me) is watching governments deal with this Pandora's box of the internet. People who have been successfully isolated by autocracy are now becoming massively imformed and networked....thus way more empowered as individuals. Cut off computer internet services...and (darn!) they're getting internet on cel phone networks....
...It's really changing and empowering human social nature around the planet, and governments and corporations have a real problem on their hands, the old strategy of
ignorance is bliss in regards to subduction of a given society is now commonly missing the most important part of the formula...
I'm curious to see how things turn out ...say....twenty years from now regarding personal internet, media, etc....
Once people have seen the bright light of the information highway.....there's no way you can push them down again. It's an impossibility with ramifications far beyond beyond Mary Antoinette's falsely aclaimed,"Let them eat cake..."
Especially China. That's one of the most sublime and complex social conflicts on the planet. It's fascinating now, and it should evolve one way or another in a manner certain to overwhelm the senses. What's coming to our attention here is but a tiny, tiny resonance of the social and economic thunder that (within China), may eventually grow loud enough to have the late Emperer Mao (sorry...that's
chairman...) sit up in his glass tomb.