Unofficial Alphasim Community Forum


A new forum has opened for the old crowd at Alphasim.

It is called the "Unofficial Alphasim Community Forum".

The URL is:

It is sponsored by Shaggy. Thank you Shaggy!
The use of Alphasim in the title has been authorized by Alphasim. Thank you Phil.

At this time there are only two forum sections: "Screenshots" and "The Cafe"

There is no Tech Support section. The official Alphasim website has support.

Please come over and register.
Sorry to say Frank, I will have to pass on joining the new forum. Taking a peak at it I can see some of the old forum "fanboyism" and adolescent aired moderator tones and overcontrol followed over to this one(I'm one of several people in my FS circles who feel that way). That was one of the major reasons I quit posting on the old forum over a year ago besides feeling slighted by staff at times. I am sorry if my opinion offends anyone but the old camaraderie and good feelings of the old forums are dead and gone. I will support Alphasim when I do buy a select few of their new items in the future and as stated by others here, opinions posted being good , bad, or indifferent will be aired outside the reach of slanted moderation. They are fair game.
Well to each their own I guess, I've visited that place for ages so it feels a bit like my virtual home. Many people have that here with Sim Outhouse and all for our own reasons so that's mighty fine if you ask me! :D
Sorry to say Frank, I will have to pass on joining the new forum. Taking a peak at it I can see some of the old forum "fanboyism" and adolescent aired moderator tones and overcontrol followed over to this one(I'm one of several people in my FS circles who feel that way). That was one of the major reasons I quit posting on the old forum over a year ago besides feeling slighted by staff at times. I am sorry if my opinion offends anyone but the old camaraderie and good feelings of the old forums are dead and gone. I will support Alphasim when I do buy a select few of their new items in the future and as stated by others here, opinions posted being good , bad, or indifferent will be aired outside the reach of slanted moderation. They are fair game.

No worries. Hopefully they'll have some screenshots to look at soon. Myself, I'm just glad to not have to ask for order numbers before helping folks. I can now get back to what I enjoy doing; flying, painting, and talking shop. Have a good one.
Frank, in light of the thread closure over on the FSX side and all previous statements, I will simply add that of my feelings I have posted here regarding all matters of Alphasim, I have made my points being both the good side or bad side I have experienced in the form of business polices and actions in general over there. These comments of mine were business and not personal in nature and how I feel the need to carefully pre-inspect and select what I spend my money on over there from now on. Nuff said.

I wish to make it clear I intended no ill will towards the folks who either being developers or forum members(end users) who did a hell of a lot to cultivate the hobby and were kind enough to help and share in so many factors related to it.

I think we've all aired out our feelings, it's time to cool the jets & douse the bonfires and look on to the future.
..."fanboyism" and adolescent aired moderator tones and overcontrol...
Don't feel bad - the same thing happens over at the forum for a certain freeware group that makes some of the best 747's and 777's out there.

You can complement a developer's effort without blowing smoke up their wazoo. But on the other hand, if there's a genuine issue, let them know without being snotty. If you frequent a forum filled with half fanboys and half rivet counters, just don't get drawn into the threads that start out spiraling toward the drain.
Anyone know what's going on with the Unofficial Alphasim forum?

It was up yesterday, but today there's an error message indicating the server is busy.


Here's the message:

Connection Problems

Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.

Hi guys,

There's been a fatal problem with the forum database. We later found out Shaggy had no backup... so we are out of a forum again.

The moderators haven't decided if we are going to start another forum or not. There is hope though.

:frown: Sorry for the unfortunate news,

Thanks for the status.

I suspected as much.

Now I can avoid checking out the link every hour, and will wait and see what happens. :fish2:
