Unusual experience...


Charter Member 2016
I've been testing a new version of Ted's W40 Ju88a-1 - remember, the one I was having FPS problems with? Well, the new one is fantastic! I had 40 of them up over the Channel all in one big raid, and not a stutter in sight... Until... I loaded the same mission, and... FPS down to 3. From 40. I couldn't make head or tail of it. And then, on the next attempt, it was normal again. And so on, a number of times.

Well, I found the problem, and it surprised me; I'd backed up the old version in another folder (CFS3/aircraft-hangar), and the sim was going in there for the m3d. I knew it would look everywhere for textures, we all know that, but it was looking for the m3d file in folders that don't ever exist under normal circumstances. Yet it was not giving me the "etc, etc, unit name whatever is already used" alert.

So there you are. It isn't just textures you need to back up outside the install itself!

Meanwhile, Ted's Ju88a-1 is a beautiful bit of work, and I'm having a wonderful time trying to get past 40 of them without getting cut to ribbons!
Reckon I can forget about the number of textures question then! Fair makes your head spin... :isadizzy:
Nigel if I understand you correctly CFS3 will look for textures in folders on your HD outside of the CFS3 main folder? That would be like ai getting smarter.

No, CFS3 will look for model files in any part of your install, not just in the part where the model is supposed to be. That means that if you have the same model installed twice, once in a "hangar" folder inside CFS3, it can find it and use it. However, the aircraft.cfg, xdp, etc files must be in the appropriate folder or it won't let you access them. So it's only if you do something silly and back up models in a secondary folder within CFS3. But it was a shock to find that out! I wonder how we can use it...