Upcoming BS Release!

Tom Clayton

Staff member
Black Square, that is! :biggrin-new:

This time it's the TBM 850 with all its glorious analog goodness and three levers for stoking the fire. It's drop-dead gorgeous, but I'm on the fence. I'm rather happy with the current 930 after all the work that's gone into it between Asobo finally getting the doors to operate and WT getting the Garmins up to speed, but this thing has a beauty all its own. Here's the official announcement on the official forums...


The 100+ page manual is already available!
There's a lot more detail in this 850 than the 930 though.... that's the big difference for me.
I've been looking at this. The modeling is beautiful, but I wish there weren't so many "bells and whistles" type features. Opening doors is nice, but when I fly, I don't care about what the engine looks like. Just give me a visible copilot (I call mine Akeno) and decent dynamic passengers that don't look too much like they could star in a horror movie and I'm good.
Hmm, so this is a real plane and not another cockpit replacement like their other recent products.

I wonder if this is going to affect SWS's plans. I know they're planning to do the 850, 910, and 960. I'm a huge fan of SWS's releases, so hopefully there will just be competition in the market. I know BS's instrument upgrade (downgrade?) packages are highly regarded.
I could be wrong here, but my understanding is that SWS has an official license from Daher for the product, whereas BS doesn't.

The vast majority of MSFS 3rd party aircraft don't have licensing from the real-world manufacturers, and for most customers, the only difference the license will make is a slightly higher price point (those licenses aren't free), and a few more logos appearing on the aircraft because the developers don't have to worry about Textron/Daher/Boeing/Airbus going after them over copyright issues.

Obviously, a license from the manufacturer can get a developer access to "official" documentation and such from the manufacturer that might not be available otherwise, but given the quality of the "unlicensed" payware and freeware currently out there, that doesn't seem to make huge difference in the quality of the final product.