Upcoming Chris Lampard Spitfire PRXIX


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Hi all,
I'm in contact with Chris Lampard who has sent me the attached work in progress pictures of his next release, the Spitfire PRXIX, and has said he's happy for me to post them here.
PS853_915_28Jan14 1.jpgPS853_915_2_28Jan14 1.jpg
He'd like to release them with the correct panel, (single piece windscreen and no gunsight etc), and wonders, after I told him about the quality of the work that goes on here, if anyone might be willing to make a panel/panel bitmap to go with it. (I can make the panel cfg if required.) As far as I know the aircraft won't have a VC. but it's obviously still a lovely piece of work. For those who don't know Chris was responsible for many of the earlier FS9 Alphasim aircraft including the Beaufighter, Typhoon, Lysander, Hornet, MB5, Tigercat and P-47 amongst others and is testing the water again after a long spell away from releasing his work. With fewer and fewer people making high quality freeware for FS9 these days it would be a real shame if we lost another so if anyone would like to get involved please let me know.

All the best.
Hi all,
I'm in contact with Chris Lampard who has sent me the attached work in progress pictures of his next release, the Spitfire PRXIX, and has said he's happy for me to post them here.
View attachment 3588View attachment 3589
He'd like to release them with the correct panel, (single piece windscreen and no gunsight etc), and wonders, after I told him about the quality of the work that goes on here, if anyone might be willing to make a panel/panel bitmap to go with it. (I can make the panel cfg if required.) As far as I know the aircraft won't have a VC. but it's obviously still a lovely piece of work. For those who don't know Chris was responsible for many of the earlier FS9 Alphasim aircraft including the Beaufighter, Typhoon, Lysander, Hornet, MB5, Tigercat and P-47 amongst others and is testing the water again after a long spell away from releasing his work. With fewer and fewer people making high quality freeware for FS9 these days it would be a real shame if we lost another so if anyone would like to get involved please let me know.

All the best.

Check my work on 2D panels... on my thread "I just finished a panel for the Storch" on the 20004 forum.
Just PM me...

ps. the actual name of the thread is "Just finished a new 2D panel for the Storch.. "
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I remember the Seafire 47 that Chris made. She was with me from CFS2, FS2000 and FS2002. I finally retired her when the RealAir Spitfire for FS9 came along.. One of my favorite aircraft of all time. Chris also made the Alpha F8F Bearcat which I flew for many missions in CFS2, and as a civil aircraft in FS9. Glad to see he's still building! I have the very nice little Spitfire PR.XI and Mosquito PR.XVI he recently released.

I'd love to be a beta tester, if one is needed. It's about all I can do tho.
