Upcoming virtual airshows/fly-ins


Putting out a heads-up for some fun on-network virtual events coming up in the next week or so.

Tomorrow 1800z-2200z is "VATVenture" on VATSIM, where the controllers will simulate arrival and departure procedures during the Oshkosh fly-in. I did this last year and it was professional and well done. Details here: https://forums.vatusa.net/index.php?topic=11218.0. Be sure to download and read the Notice.

This week Thurs-Sun, PilotEdge is doing its SimVenture event, which is even more professional than the VATSIM one. https://www.pilotedge.net/pages/simventure. This one uses real controllers who are practicing for Oshkosh and you have to join PilotEdge, which keeps things serious and realistic.

Next Saturday, back on VATSIM, is the Abbotsford Virtual Airshow. https://www.abbotsfordvirtualairshow.ca/. This features performers including a virtual Snowbirds team and other performers. You can watch either by flying in, parking, and watching from your plane, or by logging in as an observer, or off-network on Twitch or YouTube. For those watching in-sim, apparently they will be providing model matching files so that the planes all look like they are supposed to. I will be interested to see how this works.
