Nothing really spectacular with this update, as a matter of fact I would think the casual flyer would be hard pressed to see any visual differences at all over 11.26. Default water and clouds remain as they have been. . .no real improvement to ATC (they did add new voices, lol) there are updates to various codes (FDE) for the default airplanes and as with previous updates, a large number of new airports and enhancements to current ones.
Where the real difference is felt is in the FPS. With V11.26 I was able to set some of my sliders near max which gave me good fps (around 20-22) and ample autogen (buildings and vegetation) and still be able to fly over a major city without it becoming a slide show. With this update I have had to do away with AA altogether, no ground shadows, no reflection usage and I'm barely getting 17-18fps.
While reading the forum on this latest version I have found similar observations from a good many users. This update is not being received very well with most pointing out the same complaint. . .lower fps.
It's late and I will continue with more testing in the morning, but if, after doing everything I can to get a good balance. . .it still isn't what I had prior to the update then I'll uninstall, run CCleaner. . .weed out any remnants of X-Plane and reinstall 11.26.
Where the real difference is felt is in the FPS. With V11.26 I was able to set some of my sliders near max which gave me good fps (around 20-22) and ample autogen (buildings and vegetation) and still be able to fly over a major city without it becoming a slide show. With this update I have had to do away with AA altogether, no ground shadows, no reflection usage and I'm barely getting 17-18fps.
While reading the forum on this latest version I have found similar observations from a good many users. This update is not being received very well with most pointing out the same complaint. . .lower fps.
It's late and I will continue with more testing in the morning, but if, after doing everything I can to get a good balance. . .it still isn't what I had prior to the update then I'll uninstall, run CCleaner. . .weed out any remnants of X-Plane and reinstall 11.26.