Update for Just Flight CFS3 Memphis Belle add-on?


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Does anyone know where I can get this? It's to enable the JF B17F, missions and all, to co-exist with the Firepower add-on. I have already installed the former; it took me a while longer to find my Firepower CD ad rather than have separate installs, I'd like to be able to have both add-ons in the same one. Which I did back in the day, but amongst all the CFS3 stuff I backed up, the Belle add-on's update isn't amongst it.

I suppose some hand-editing of file names and mission files could so the same thing, but it'd be less trouble and more error-proof to have the update. It's the one described here: https://a2asimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=442

Which file is it you need?



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Thanks NSS! Assuming the filename and size in MarkL's description on A2A is accurate, which seems pretty certain, it'll be b17cfs3update02.exe.

If I pm you with an email address, could you email it to me please? Maybe also the second one, just in case it's a separate update for the mod.


Great job, did the trick - much appreciated, thank you!

The update didn't run at first; Installshield wizard started but just disappeared. Since the readme quoted on the A2A post linked to mentioned having the JF Belle CD in the drive, I thought JF's copy protection might be the issue - to get it installed in the first place, I had to start that service using a JF tool Secdrive as described here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforu...tall-problem?p=1220726&viewfull=1#post1220726 After doing that, the update ran fine, renaming the JF B17F files so they won't conflict with FP. Then stopped the service and the renamed JF B17 is fine. Now to install Firepower! Thanks again!
Great job, did the trick - much appreciated, thank you!

The update didn't run at first; Installshield wizard started but just disappeared. Since the readme quoted on the A2A post linked to mentioned having the JF Belle CD in the drive, I thought JF's copy protection might be the issue - to get it installed in the first place, I had to start that service using a JF tool Secdrive as described here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforu...tall-problem?p=1220726&viewfull=1#post1220726 After doing that, the update ran fine, renaming the JF B17F files so they won't conflict with FP. Then stopped the service and the renamed JF B17 is fine. Now to install Firepower! Thanks again!

What version of Windows are you running?

Edit. just checked on your link Windows 7 it is then.
Yes I have a dual boot setup with Win 7 and 10 but use the former by default.

I had to post on the A2A FP support forum as FP won't install, reporting 'corruption detected' in my CFS3 install. The one in question has the Abacus Mossie and JF Belle add-ons and a couple of tweaked config files in the assets folder, which is hardly corruption! IDK if the add-on install order is critical but I certainly had all three add-ons in my one and only pre-ETO CFS3 install. We'll see what A2A come back with. This is the original CD version; if it worked any better I wouldn't mind buying the downloadable one still available from A2A. I don't remember FP's installer being so fussy previously!