Update Mission Packs for ETO 1.40 Bob Install


Charter Member
Greetings to everyone....Thanks to your helpful input from my ?'s and this forum's extensive written KB, my CFS3 ETO 1.40 is up and flying great on the first go round. I do have 2 ?s, though:

1). I installed the 1.41 Hot-fix per instructions, but when I start the game, it still shows REV 1.40---is this normal? The NEK installed fine and is working.

2). I was looking through the Add-Ons Library and noticed two (2) Updates with very similar names, uploaded on the same day by the same author. This may seem really Chicken SH**T, but could someone check it out and make sure one does not need to be installed first or if they are duplicates? Here are the details:

File "A": BoB Campaign (Update1) for ETO 1.40. 70.KB. 11 Jan, 2011

File "B": BoB Campaign Update for the BoB install. 12.09 Mb. 11 Jan, 2011

Both files are on the first page of CFS3 Missions.

Best regards,
Greetings to everyone....Thanks to your helpful input from my ?'s and this forum's extensive written KB, my CFS3 ETO 1.40 is up and flying great on the first go round. I do have 2 ?s, though:

1). I installed the 1.41 Hot-fix per instructions, but when I start the game, it still shows REV 1.40---is this normal? The NEK installed fine and is working.

2). I was looking through the Add-Ons Library and noticed two (2) Updates with very similar names, uploaded on the same day by the same author. This may seem really Chicken SH**T, but could someone check it out and make sure one does not need to be installed first or if they are duplicates? Here are the details:

File "A": BoB Campaign (Update1) for ETO 1.40. 70.KB. 11 Jan, 2011

File "B": BoB Campaign Update for the BoB install. 12.09 Mb. 11 Jan, 2011

Both files are on the first page of CFS3 Missions.

Best regards,

:kilroy:1Panzer LAH, it's very simple.

Each is for a separate theater, install.

File "A": BoB Campaign (Update1) for ETO 1.40. 70.KB. 11 Jan, 2011 is for CFS3 ETO Expansion 1.40.

File "B": BoB Campaign Update for the BoB install. 12.09 Mb. 11 Jan, 2011 is for Pat Pattle's The Battle of Britain for CFS3, which is also available for download at Aussiex.

The two are NOT interchangeable.

Hope this helps.
Thank you

Thank you, Grizzly50. That's just what I needed. The titles were so close and the date and author being the same, just wanted a 2nd opinion.

Have a nice evening and take care.

Best regards......
Hi Panzer,

for your first question, yes its normal to see the splash screen saying 1.40 after the 1.40b hotfix. theres also a small hotfix 1.40c which fixes one of the airfields

regards Rob.