Update of my sceneries for P3D


Since P3D v2, many of my sceneries made for FSX lost their taxiways. Since then I have updated them for my own use but never shared them. After kind request from fellow Greek simmers, I have decided to upload them and I have started with Tatoi air base (LGTT), the first scenery I ever made, and my real world aeroclub base. The update, although basically done for P3D compatibility, includes a few fixes that I have made over the years since 2010 for personal use only but again never shared.

The file can be found in the library here:



- Fixed AFCAD to show all taxiways in Prepar3D 2.x or higher
- Adapted soome landclass for better compatibility with ORBX Global taxtures, Vector as well as OpenLC EU
- Adjusted flatten polygons around the airport to avoid plateau or cliffs problems and smoothen the transition with surrounding ground
- Added / adapted runway lights and taxiway lights. Tatoi is a day only airport normally but once a week the HAF academy cadets perform night sorties in their T-41s.
- Corrected location of windsocks
- Added standard NDB 3D object and NDB (NDB Data: name: DEKELEIA Ident: DEK, range:50 nm, frequency:388)
- Added standard ILS 3D object (ILS equipment is there but not operational)

I will soon be uploading updates for the other sceneries that are affected by the P3D AFCAD issue, the Greek ones, Ikaros and Kopaida, and the stateside ones, Tifton KTMA and Fantasy of Flight. Especially for Tatoi, and since it was the first one I made and I have learned a lot since then, I plan to do a major upgrade in the near future, after I finish my current project.