update on lockheed model 14?


Charter Member
while we are in christmas-wishing season,let me say thanks to everyone interested in bringing the model 14 back.

I am flying pstraney's hudson/14 glassnose and loving the experience. This powerful twin is quite a ship. It can even land :- )

Any chance for an update from the sound/paint/modelling hangars?

thanks fellers,
I received a message from Paul (Pstrany) a couple days ago...he is a bit distracted at the moment with the holidays and work but will be pushing real hard to get the modeling on the Super Electra done very very soon. Once I have the finished model in hand, I can really concentrate on the 2D and VC panel work and some bare metal skin work. Sounds are pretty much in the bag...well, still need to come up with a decent R-1690 Hornet sound pack for the Hornet powered SE...but the twin R-1820 sound pack is done and sounds great....will be getting it uploaded soonish.

The flight dynamics are in the bag....Jerry whatshisname....the Air Wrench guy....he did the flight files for all the Hudsons, including the Super Electra. The plane flies great and handles very very close to what I have read the SE handled like...even the tendency to roll after catching a gust of wind under one of those slab wings. Pitch on this plane is very stable, as is yaw...but roll....it will keep you at your stick and maintaining level flight...no trimming this puppy then heading to the kitchen for a cold one and a sandwich. Now why can't I remember Jerry's last name. Beckwith?? Total brain fart at the moment.

Super Electra Progress


The Super Electra is progressing. At this point, the (re)model is done, all I have left to do is some texture work, and add some fiddly bits and polish to the VC. VC work is not my favorite, so I expect to run out of patience sometime within the next 7-10 days. At that time I will release the first model, a Model 14-N3 that flew with 267th Sqdn in North Africa. At that time, I am going to convert the model over to FS9 so that I can add reflective textures (while I am a CFS2 modeler, I have played with these in the past, so I am familiar with the process.) With luck, an FS9 airliner should beat Santa by at least a reindeer.

The first attached screenshot holds a hint of the first airliner I am planning on doing. I was just tinkering to make sure it would work.

And don't worry, it washes off........

My wife will be at her mom's house tomorrow for the weekly Girls' Day...so I will be home alone....well, alone with the Super Electra. Testing and working on the 2D and VC panels. I am so lucky!!!

Neat! Looking foward to a polished version of this Lockheed! Thanks Paul, keep it up, don't give up!!
looking great paul, this is a great plane for us 200 mph flyboys.
I have been flying the Hudson/14 nightly after I warm up in the DH80.

Beeen tweaking the hudson VC panel for practice,too. :- )
any thing I can do to help?
With OBIO on the team youve got serious backup!

That's looking great Paul, looking forward to it:jump:
In the mean time i'am keeping my skill's up to date in this old bird of you.


it is just un update of the paint of the old Fs2004 Hudson 14H2 by Dave Caroll, using the paint kit provide by Paul Strany and appplied it to Pauls Hudson.
If you like i'll upload it to the SOH in the weekend.


it is just un update of the paint of the old Fs2004 Hudson 14H2 by Dave Caroll, using the paint kit provide by Paul Strany and appplied it to Pauls Hudson.
If you like i'll upload it to the SOH in the weekend.


Thanks Wim, that would be great. If the paintkit is around I will DL it myself, if it's under user pstrany.


The layered Photoshop paint kit can be found on Paul's site (virtualwings.org). It is in two packages....Paul's paint kit is very thorough.

Be advised that the older paint kit will be different than the paint kit for the Super Electra...not sure to what extent, but there have been several changes in the modeling on the SE that dictates some alterations.

hi Tim,
Missed this, so thanks dude, off I got to get it.
the practice will do me good, when the new kit comes,
so much the bettaire. :- )
I have been flying the L-10 Electra in several liveries, and have always desired the L-14 Super Electra. Wish I had one.

You shall have a Super Electra....a few of them actually. A passenger liner version, a transport version (current model) and a cargo version (the one I want the most since I like to pretend I am a cargo/freight hauler....boxes of cereal don't scream as much as people when you go doing stoopid things in planes). Paul is working on the SE as fast as he can, I have the config tweaks done (lights, effects...that sort of thing) and am working on the 2D and VC panels...with very limited and conflicting info...seems there was no STANDARD gauge and radio configuration...so I am taking a bit from this and a bit from that and developing a STANDARD configuration to use.

I to like flying cargo.........and Obio.......remember people are cargo too........lol

If you crash they can't complain and if you get them there they are thankful to be back on mother earth......lol

and yes i am waiting with my breath held for the SE in all configurations.
In the mean time...if you want some Hudsons...which were based on the Model 14, go to Virtualwings.org and download the Hudsons. They all work fine in FS9....just need to add the manufacture, type and variation lines to the config file...and lights and effects too. But the flight dynamics are superb (done by Jerry Beckwith), the animations are tight, the modeling is superb, and since they are multi-LOD, they can be used as AI.

what he said, cowboy!
I have been flying the 14 since I saw Mose03 race his in the Melbourne race, thanks m03, and it is a really fun plane. I have allso added some instruments and fiddled with panel cfgs and vc lights. great fun, and I am looking forward to the new model 14. Paul did a great job getting the Hudson into shape!

Big fan of Paul's Hudson in FS9 - was doing some North Atlantic patrols and ferrrying in her about a year ago just before I "moved" onto FSX. Looking forward to the Model 14 update.

Have just tried the FS9 model in FSX but the model does not appear at all. Recall other converted CFS2 models might also do this. Is this because it is FSDS v GMAX visual model, or something like that? Otherwise, I port just about every FS9 plane into FSX with very few problems, if any.


The Hudsons are not a true FS9 model, they are CFS2 models, which is undoubtedly why they do not port over. Even though I'll be releasing a FS9 version of the Super Electra, there are short-cuts that I use that will not work in FSX.

Just thought I'd pop in to say that I'm still working on the Super Electra with every spare moment I get. I'm pretty much in a race with Santa now, we'll see who delivers the goods first.......
