Update to "Computer Shutdown"


Staff member
I am grabbing at straws right now, but here's a bit of interesting info. I have had trouble with TrackIR after this latest reinstall of Win10. I couldn't get all the LED lights on the camera to come on and so rather than turning TrackIR off and just flying with the hat switch I minimized TrackIR. This morning I uninstalled TrackIR and went Flying. . .(just not the same without TIR but oh well). I flew for well over an hour with no problem. Sat on the tarmac talking with "WND" in Teamspeak for awhile and decided to try reinstalling TrackIR and start with the oldest drivers and work my way up until I found a combination that worked.

I got everything installed, brought up the Sim again (I had it minimized), double clicked on the TIR icon and the instant the menu popped up the computer went dead. So, while I doubt that TrackIR itself is causing this problem, could it be that all it takes is TrackIR initiating to push a failing PSU to it's limit?:dizzy:
It could be, indeed...
When you uninstalled the TrackIR stuff, did you also unplug it ?
That device takes some power, so perhaps when it turns on, the limit of your dying PSU is reached.

If you have any other USB device that also takes a lot of power (like, a webcam perhaps?), it could be interesting to make the same test, activating the camera during your flight instead of the TrackIR...
Just as a data point, I am using my Track IR5 with Windows 10 (Home 64) and it's functioning perfectly. Driver set is TrackIR 5.4.2.

That said, your success sounds undeniable. If TIR is giving you trouble, maybe there's a problem with your particular USB TIR device which results in your system being overtaxed somehow.
I remember you describing your TrackIR as being well worn and held together with various repairs. Mine is actually glued to my headset. lol

I'm wondering if possibly the USB connector is worn, or internal wiring has finally given up the ghost and is creating a dead short somewhere. Those super fine wires are very vulnerable to wear, and as the device is constantly in motion, the vulnerability is amplified.

P3D is hypersensitive to anomalies, and will shut down when a Sparrow passes wind. I'm constantly borking either P3D or my controllers by simply walking across the carpet and not grounding myself before I touch anything connected to the system.

Just a thought, but I've had that same issue with other devices in the past.
Just as a data point, I am using my Track IR5 with Windows 10 (Home 64) and it's functioning perfectly. Driver set is TrackIR 5.4.2.
I've tried all the drivers and right now none of them will give me the LED's I need. (I uninstall each driver prior to trying another one, I don't overwrite anything).

That said, your success sounds undeniable. If TIR is giving you trouble, maybe there's a problem with your particular USB TIR device which results in your system being overtaxed somehow.
Seems likely, I've grown so used to TrackIR that right now Flying is simply not the same without it. Hoping a new PSU will get me back on track.
I'd let you try my TIR unit to help troubleshoot, but alas, you live about 1000 miles SSW of my place. :banghead:
Another shutdown has shown that it is not "only TrackIR" but anything that would tax the failing PSU. I will revisit this thread next week after I have installed the new PSU and tested it against TrackIR and some of my HD Payware aircraft (all of which have caused the PC to shutdown).:wavey: