

Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
Texture this bad little girl (mean as a snake with tanks and trains), send her off to B4 and the three profiles are what you'll get, (need to use that 75mm).
I can only imagine what this aircraft can do to a train. Looking real good Ted. There are a lot of folks waiting on this one for sure.

Say thats some mighty fine work you got there Nachtpiloten. I've always enjoyed your work. Its good to see your still on.
That looks all business, Nacht!! It's beautiful in all it's ugliness - which is kinda reminiscent of the A-10...

Excellent job!!
Nice looking PanzerKnacker there Nacht!
That one will even get me to fire up CFS3 again once you get it finished up. :)
I come back... after a weeks.... and after visiting istanbul... i hve just seen this new wild thing....