Updated Bell 412ER re-released at Hovercontrol


Hi guys,

New Bell 412ER package that has been improved and fixed from the original has been re-released and is now on the Hovercontrol servers. Please enjoy:ernae:
:amen::ernae::friday::typing: :woot:

Awesome work !!!

Made a flight last night from NAWS Pt Mugu to NOLF Imperial Beach on one tank following PCH and I-5. During the flight several friends also downloaded and flew with me. When I started the flight at FSTG I had the only ER, at the end there were at least six. Once again the guys at Hovercontrol have taken an execelent helo model and evolved into something brilliant.
I downloaded it a couple days ago. File on their site has same name. Should I redownload?



Chief, just to clarify. This new model is by [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Carlos Cavaleiro and not Jordan Moore/Hovercontrol 's version. This model is located on the first page of the FS9 models.

(Edit), (If I am mistaken, my apologies if this new model is an upgrade of the original Jordan Moore model
[/FONT]by [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Carlos Cavaleiro. Sorry for the confusion-Mine!)
I think this updated model is better on frames and fluidity. Also more stable as a port to FSX.
(OT) Eurostar contact me for the Abacus AS565 Panther USCG paint as par to your forum post at hovercontrol. Can be brought over to Fs9 also.
Beautiful work! Here's a screenie from a flight from Juneau to Skagway. A very nice flight indeed.