Updated DC-6A Available


Charter Member
Hi all,

Just thought you might want to know that there is now an updated Douglas DC-6A at my CalClassic web page.

It comes in several variations.

DC-6A CB-17 Base Pack. In the classic era, these typically had more powerful CB-17 engines, and is available in Combi and Freighter versions (large spinners also available):

Combi, painted by Wayne Tudor:


Freighter, painted by Frank Gonzalez:


Both have now had their door lines matched to the opening doors.

DC-6A CB-16 Base Pack. In the modern era, operators now typically use the lower power CB-16 engine (can't get the high octane gas anymore), and don't have the black "football" ADF antennas. This version comes in NAC colors with small spinners (painted by Jim Campisi):


And an Everts Air Cargo with large spinners (painted by Dave James):


Most C-118A's I have seen would match this model version, but use the CB-17 engines in the other Base Pack. This would probably be best set up as a separate aircraft folder in this case, so the ATC calls would be correct. I'll leave that to someone else. :)

You can download both of these Base Packs from my DC-6A/B page:


And there are a few threads on my CalClassic forum about it, including several more repaints for the new planes.






Other than the door lines not matching up, all older DC-6A liveries for the Greg Pepper DC-6A (or DC-6B) are compatible, after adding the new textures to the old texture's folder (described in the Adding Liveries.txt file).

A paint kit is available from that same page, which includes the new DC-6A door lines.

B model dissapears when adding radar

When I tried to add radar to the large spinner B model by editing the config as told ,model= spinner Large prop spinner, radar, I lose the model with large prop spinners.
What am I doing wrong?
Great looking work, thanks a million!!! The very best ever - wonderful repaints! Again, thanks for updating this fine aircraft.

Hurricane3, I'm not sure exactly what you are writing into the cfg file, and for what plane.

For the DC-6B:

radar, small spinners: model=
radar, large spinners: model=spinner
no radar, small spinners: model=noradar
no radar, large spinners: model=spin_noradar

For the DC-6A CB-17 (all with radar):

Freighter, small spinners: model=
Freighter, large spinners: model=spinner
Combi, small spinners: model=combi
Combi, large spinners: model=combispin

For the DC-6A CB-16 (all with radar):

Freighter, small spinners: model=
Freighter, large spinners: model=spinner

Hope this helps,
I applied some glue to this thread to turn it into a Stickie.

Will have to grab these packages.....I usually don't do propliners, but cargo planes I will do...and to have a nice selection of cargo planes with 4 radial engines is a good thing.

The previous versions with the VC cockpit update are among my regulars! I just love them.

DL'ding now - can't wait to get my hands on them.

What a NICE Sunday surprise - thank you indeed :salute::salute::salute:!

I'am the one who is confused

I downloaded both the DC6A-CB-16 base pack and the DC6A-CB-17 base pack .I thought from the reference materal that one was a B model ,but I don't know alot about tubeiners ,just like the older ones look. It said in the dc6b2k4 txt. that if you want the radar version to modify the config file to read ,model=spinner Large prop spinner,radar, so thats what I did to make the plane dissapear.
So from what I get from your post is that the DC6A CB--17 are A models ,already with radar. If you look at the secondary panel ,(enginers) panel there is what looks like a radar screen ,but when you mouse over it says it's a radar altimeter, and I don't know if it's supposed to work or not but when you turn it on nothing happens to the screen.
I got confused about the type of DC6 because in the reference material it says DC6b . For all I know about tubeliners there was no DC6B.
Sorry should have read a little closer

I should have read your post a little closer ,I see there was a B model, sorry bout that.

Glad you're enjoying them. :)

To clarify things, there are four versions of this basic plane:

DC-6B CB-16 (passenger, US domestic VC)

DC-6B CB-17 (passenger, international VC, higher power)

DC-6A CB-16 (freighter, international VC, no ADF footballs)

DC-6A CB-17 (freighter/combi, international VC, higher power)

Each has its own way of specifying different model types. But I guess my text file was misunderstood (sorry):

model=spinner Large prop spinner,radar

really means:

for Large prop spinners and radar, make the line look like this: model=spinner

The DC-6A's have a text file called dc6a2k4.txt, while the DC-6B's have a file called dc6b2k4.txt.

Hope this helps,
Aready looks like that

Since the line already looks like that ,model= spinner ,I assume the plane already has radar, and that thing on the secondary panel that looks like an orange radar screen but say radar altimeter, is the radar. Is it supposed to look blank even when the switch beside it is clicked?If not then I'am still misunderstanding you, but thats ok I can live without the radar.And I did get the info from the dc6b2k4.txt. They are still great planes no matter what.
maybe there are other downloads?

I downloaded the DC-6B CB- 16 and the DC-6B-17 downloads ,is there another download I should have in addition to these two?
reading through the dc6b2k4 txt

After reading the dc6b2k.txt folder there looks like there are more steps required, this is beyond what I care to do as the planes fly ok and I don't want to get too involved with this. The DC-6B cb-17 has large spinners and the 16 has small spinners, I only downloaded the 16 because it said you have to have that base pack for the 17 ,and I wanted the large spinners. The 17 config file already says model=spinner and the 16 has just model= ,so maybe thats why I'am having trouble, with the radar.Both the 16 and 17 look like they have the same dc6b2k4txt file but the text inside are different.
Either way I'am happy with the way the planes are now without going through any extra steps. Maybe they arent as realistic that way but I really don't care. Thanks for the planes and your replys.

No problem. The DC-6B CB-17 has large spinners because the default livery (Pan Am) had large spinners in real life. The small spinner model is available if you add other liveries.

You say you have the two DC-6B Base Packs - that's all there are for the passenger versions (i.e. when you press Shift E you will get a standard passenger door opening). If you want the combi and freighter versions you will also need to download the DC-6A Base Packs.

Hope this helps,
Tgibson Im wondering if you have plans or could possibly make the Tanker variants for the DC-6 & DC-7? Im just wondering. Non the less, Thank you soo much for this!

Sorry, no tanker variants (a little far afield of "Classic Propliners"). The source file is a available from me if anyone wants to try it, though.

Hope this helps,
thanks tgibson

Thanks for the reply ,at least I know I don't have to get any more downloads ,but still curious about the radar, do the B models already have radar?Is that what the orange screen is on the engineers panel, that comes up radar atimeter when you mouse over it? I never saw a radar altimeter that looks like that but thats not saying it isn't.
As I said , if you go to the config file the DC6 B -CB 17 says model = spinner and the DC6B-CB16 says model = ,but they both have the orange radar looking thingy on the secondary panel. Thanks for your actually reading these posts and you replys.

The radar on the panel is just an image; there is no working radar in the cockpit. The "radar" mentioned in the model= lines is just the shape of the nose.

Hope this helps,