Updated ETO 1.20 will not load (ai_do_217_e5-6mnp already exists)


Charter Member
Updated ETO 1.20 will not load (ai_do_217_e5-6mnp already exists)

Updated ETO with 1.20. Started with Era 1 and stock spawns. Dialogue box showed on screen message "ai_do_217_e5_6mnp already exists."

This one is a mystery. Any help available?
For the time being remove the folder "ETO_He111H2" and place it outside cfs3 (I had same prob)

However when CFS3 reports duplicate models, just click/acknowledge and it will continue ta load normally.
Hi Guys,

Thats a weird one, the He111 folder shouldnt make a differance as it has no models that use the name mentioned in the post above included in the folder.

I'll have a bit of a look and see what I can find about why this is happening.

regards Rob.
Sounds like you already had the do-217 in your install prior installing 1.20 update. ??????? yes?

Updated ETO with 1.20. Started with Era 1 and stock spawns. Dialogue box showed on screen message "ai_do_217_e5_6mnp already exists."

This one is a mystery. Any help available?
Some of the new ETO aircraft have the same airfile names as TK aircraft. Delete the TK_Dornier with the same name.:kilroy:
fyi i did this.....had the ol CTD......so its something else....clean install over 1.0 is a recommendation i think if ya messed around with it like i did

my 2 cents


There probably were some pylon,sound and weapons and definately some shared files changes between the TK released and the TK ETO released aircraft. So if you already had TK aircraft in your 1.02 ETO when you updated to 1.20 there would be possible conflicts.

fyi i did this.....had the ol CTD......so its something else....clean install over 1.0 is a recommendation i think if ya messed around with it like i did

my 2 cents

In the folder "ETO_He111H2" the 'm3d' is a GC He-111(and not a Dornier) and that's why I suggested removal...
Either way(remove it or no) there shouldn't be a 'CTD' :typing:

hope this helps

There is a reason why that is the case.

From the aircraft readme for 1.20:

39. removal of one Do17 (at the original owners request) and the addition of an He111 which has had the model files etc named exactly the same as the removed Do17 so that it will replace the Do17 with the He111 in game when used by any existing spawn, or mission files that call on the old Do17 model.

In the folder "ETO_He111H2" the 'm3d' is a GC He-111(and not a Dornier) and that's why I suggested removal...
Either way(remove it or no) there shouldn't be a 'CTD' :typing:

hope this helps
Ah ha


There is a reason why that is the case.

From the aircraft readme for 1.20:

39. removal of one Do17 (at the original owners request) and the addition of an He111 which has had the model files etc named exactly the same as the removed Do17 so that it will replace the Do17 with the He111 in game when used by any existing spawn, or mission files that call on the old Do17 model.

...so the other should be removed? (or just renamed?) or?:rolleyes:
(somehow I gets the feelin' this ain't just quite done and did and over yet :p:) :d

...Wait a minute, ya said "...why that IS the case" so I guess I got it right (by dumb luck-not by readin' the 'readme') (and/or forgettin' the 'readme') the 1st time (!?) though if I just keep on talkin' there's a good chance people will become thoroughly and irremediably* confused :isadizzy:

*( I always wanted to use this word from BoB Sir Larry Olivier reading Air Marshall Dowding's letter to Churchill & co.)
Pops again

The He111 is to remain in the theater and should not be removed as it is a surrogate for the original DO17. This is to make sure that any campaigns, missions or spawns already created for the ETO will still work.



There is a reason why that is the case.

From the aircraft readme for 1.20:

39. removal of one Do17 (at the original owners request) and the addition of an He111 which has had the model files etc named exactly the same as the removed Do17 so that it will replace the Do17 with the He111 in game when used by any existing spawn, or mission files that call on the old Do17 model.
Hi Guys,

As has been stated the problem here is that the install to which the ETO 1.20 update was applied either already had Teds original Do217e5 installed or has had it added after the 1.20 patch has been applied.

thus cuasing the error message model name already used. to rectify, search for the files using that name, you should find two folders containg the ai_Do_217_E5_6NNP files

1 called ETO_DO_217E-5

2 and the second folder will have the defualt folder name as used by Ted.

remove the the defualt folder as supplied by Teds original install.

As for the ETO_He111H2, if you have the original bob_do17z2_5k+ba in your game then something has not worked correctly with your update.

The 1.20 patch should have removed the original bob_do17z2_5k+ba folder and its contents and then placed the new files into your aircraft folder.
As mentioned above by Bob, its a new He111 named as the removed Do17, by doing this we have protected the spawn, facilty, campaign and mission files that may have used the old bob_do17z2_5k+ba aircraft. (in addition to the readme file listed by Bob above there is a second readme file in teh actual ETO_He111H2 folder thats states the reasons as well)

If we had just removed the old plane and not replaced it with something else it would have left many oppertunities for your game to crash.

So again its the ETO_He111H2 folder that should remain in your install and the old bob_do17z2_5k+ba folder that needs to be removed.

again do NOT remove the ETO_He111H2 folder.

If you do chose to remove the new He111 model and leave the original Do17 model in your install you will get plane missmatch errors when trying to join an ETO online session.

regards Rob.