Updated Kittyhawk MkIa models


Charter Member 2016
We realised that certain effects were not appearing with the original models, so Clive has updated them to sort this out. They should now be much more satisfying to shoot down...

The first package up addresses the RAF, SAAF, RAAF(MAW) and RCAF Mark Is. Further packages will apply to the RAAF (SEA), USAAF and VVS versions.

Uploaded under CFS3 aircraft/British. Installation is simply allowing to overwrite.


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DR-MDL Kittyhawk MkIa Update Pack 1.zip


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 British Aircraft

Description: DR-MDL Kittyhawk Update 1

This pack contains updated model files for the following packs:

DR RAF Kittyhawks
DR SAAF Kittyhawks
DR RAAF Kittyhawks (MAW)
MDL RCAF Kittyhawks

These models enable a number of effects which were not showing up on the original models.

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit DR-MDL Kittyhawk MkIa Update Pack 1.zip
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.


I hope you don't mind, but I have a real distaste for "updates" in the library, so I took the liberty of updating the original packages to include these new models and the .xdp file, so future users only have to concern themselves with downloading a single package rather than two.

From the SOH Librarian,

This file is no longer valid because the included uodated models and other assorted files have been included in the original packages.
Fine - I do understand. But did you copy the m3d files to overwrite the AI versions?

Looks as though you have. Hooray for people who read the instructions! :applause:


Oh yes. If I'm going to do something like this, I am very careful to read the instructions and make sure I understand what I am doing. If I don't understand it, I leave it alone. No sense mucking it up any further. :encouragement:
Another aircraft that you have to mod files to get in the game.:banghead: Will have to sit down and get busy but just feeling a bit lazy now. Too busy playing all my CFS3 installs as this is my day off.
If you don't want the modified gunfire sounds, the AI sounds or the glowing exhaust effects, don't install them. It'll run perfectly well without. As long as the engine sound alias is good, and you put all the pylons and weapons etc in the right place - hardly too demanding a task - it'll be useable. You just won't get the extra piece of candy.
All Kittyhawk/Warhawk packages have been updated. If you have already installed these, you need only copy the m3d files over into your existing installs.


I bumped these new updated packages to the front of the library so users won't have to search for them. :encouragement:
I noticed that all of the P-40E and Kittyhawks rear canopy windows were reflecting differently than the ones in the front. The fix requires a hex edit of their m3d files:
Starting at address EA0 - 00 00 99 00 99 99 99 16 00 00 00 FF E5 E5 E5 FF 00 00 7E 43
and starting at address EE8 - 00 00 99 00 99 99 99 16 00 00 00 FF B0 B0 B0 FF 00 00 7E 43

Similarly the P-40F and P-40L canopy windows don't reflect at all, and need a hex edit of their m3d files as well:
Starting at address DE0 - 00 00 99 00 99 99 99 16 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 7E 43
Similarly the P-40F and P-40L canopy windows don't reflect at all, and need a hex edit of their m3d files as well:
Starting at address DE0 - 00 00 99 00 99 99 99 16 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 7E 43

You were saying what? This is from the exact same model that is included in the package and all the aircraft use the same .m3d version.


Now, we can argue about if it should be a mirror finish or not, but what is seen in the picture certainly isn't "not at all".
May I point out that with every single release of anything, we have the same discussion culminating in a series of tedious comments which hardly anybody understands and even fewer people actually implement? Every thread seems to be scattered through with offhand comments about editing this or that, with the result that nobody can make head or tail of any of it - I am certainly not the only one - and further, the comments always come after the release of a model, not when we've posted "teaser" pictures before release. And there have been a lot of teaser pictures.

There is very little shine on any of the windows of the Kittyhawk MkI, admittedly. To be honest, I had not even realised. You must have very little to do with your days... Perhaps you would like me to withdraw the lot and rework them all?

This forum seems to be going the way of CombatAce and ETO/RS, where to be frank, one gets very little pleasure indeed from participating in anything actually concretely useful. I appreciate those who are genuinely trying to do something useful, but the incessant niggling whenever someone releases a new or modified aircraft or other addon becomes tedious.

A little tact might help.
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And just to put the finishing touch to this part of the thread, I tried that modification, just out of interest. The glass disappears completely, leaving the illusion of a glass-free canopy, which is utterly unrealistic. Our original looks better and will be used as it stands for future variants.
Sorry, no offense intended. You've all done beautiful work on these. It was late and I really should have posted a picture to explain what i was seeing with the glint, and why I was offering a "fix" for those who might want to change it. It was never my intention to ask you to release another update, or change your standards.


It's the value in the third pair that turns this on or off, and it was set differently for the two different sections of windows.

As far as wanting the glazing to be more opaque that's a matter of leaving the 16 at 4C or 44 still.
I've had people comment in the past that the windows show too much tint, so I tend to error on the more transparent side.
It really is all just a matter of taste, and the original intent of the releasing artist should always take precedent.
OK, tried that too - the glass is nowhere near as shiny as yours. Think of the degree of reflection you get from a frosted light bulb. Basically no significant difference from the P-40E as issued. I suspect this is another shaders problem.
Yes, this glint on the glass is something that AnKor's shaders implements. At other viewing angles it goes away, and I just happened to notice that not all of the glass surfaces had been set to the same parameters in the m3d file. It's part of things that didn't used to matter all that much, now demanding more consistency in their property assignments to avoid conflicts, and to take advantage of the full power of DX9 rendering things like glint to aid with spotting EA in the distance.
I'm using AnKor's shaders - d3d8.ini is dated 16/08/2016. I haven't updated them as other people seem to have had problems with subsequent releases.