Updated Lysanders soon


Charter Member 2016
Admittedly an aircraft which has been rather overlooked, but it did play a significant if sometimes unglamorous role during the War.

These are some of the Mk.I aircraft we've prepared - there are aircraft for the UK and Northern Europe, Finland and the Mediterranean. The Mk.I had been largely replaced by the Mk.II by the outbreak of war, so we've got some Mk.II and Mk.III aircraft coming soon.



Great stuff! Love the aluminium ones. What's the story on that first RAF one?

It's the prototype, near the end of its development. The RAF didn't actually use them painted overall silver (for the benefits of those who don't know, all silver RAF aircraft are painted. Up until today, there are few exceptions, the EE Lightning being really the only one I can think of offhand.) although the undersides on early-production Mk.I and Mk.IIs were painted silver in many cases.
Thanks! It's an oldish model, so there are things we haven't been able to do much about, but if people are happy with it, then that's great.

Just gone up in the files section.
Nice surprise and great work as usual, thank you! This pack gives a second life to this nice old model, downloading now.
Downloaded and tested. Flies great low and slow. Fun to fly.A nice addition to the ETO and MAW. Thanks for updating this model.Can't wait for the MkII and MkIII to come out ! Thank you for all the work involved. Regards,Scott