Updated my audio and video drivers!


Retired SOH Admin
And what a difference those two little things made in my system. On the audio side of things, I have been getting some odd popping and crackling...which has been driving me nuts. I figured I would have to add a dedicated sound card to the system to get rid of it....nope, all I needed to do was update the audio drivers for the on board audio chip set. No more pops, no more crackling. Now my sound packs are superbly clear and sharp...even when I have the 5.1 channel speakers cranked up.

Video driver update....I don't know if I gained any frame rates as I keep my FPS locked at 20, but I did notice an immediate improvement in my scenery clarity, cloud resolution and color sharpness. It's like the time I went from the stock 4 meg video card to a 64 meg video card (3 systems ago).

If any of you have not taken the time to update your audio and video drivers, I highly recommend that you do so.

I just wish I could update my mother board BIOs...but HP likes to set their systems up so you can't update your BIOs in order to force you to buy a new system every few years.

Oh, also ran a defrag on my C drive (poor thing was 49% fragmented...haven't defragged since my last system rebuild). My sims load much faster, run a bit smoother...and all it took was 7 hours of not being able to use my computer while the hard drive was defragged and optimized.

Hey OBIO, try using JKDefrag. Its free and fairly quick. I defrag, run Glary Utilities, CCleaner, clean out the prefetch, and temp folder in Widows at least once week. Unfortunately, I can notice the smallest drop in performance on my machine.