Upgrading cockpits for MAW-DR_Bf110E's


Charter Member
The DR_Bf110E's in MAW are one of the original aircraft in MAW. The cockpits are rudimentary. Can these be upgraded to complete cockpits? This would include the texture also.

Is it posssible or just leave it alone.
are you sure you are talking of the MAW's Emil??!! :isadizzy:

hey, it's one of the most beautifull CFS3 cockpit.
110 pits

Not all the 110 pits are basic. The original ground crew 110's over at regshanger have some very nice pits, although they Gustav series planes.
Not all the 110 pits are basic. The original ground crew 110's over at regshanger have some very nice pits, although they Gustav series planes.

Yes, but they're older builds.
The MAW 110 was made new from scratch so there may be some visual niggles when porting over the older G cockpits into the newer E's. Shouldn't stop anyone from trying though.
Alternate cockpits

Be sure to have the name correct:

Drop in the new pit, rename it:


and delete the bdp. That should work unless there are textures needed that MAW does not have.
NP: Tried all of that. The cockpit changes somewhat, but not much. You get some controls (stick, pedals, throttle) but they are all a dark gray.
Because you're now missing the textures for the cockpit. Trace them in your donor install, move them over and whoops, no dark grey anymore.
Inside your main aircraft folder is a folder called 'shared' - check in there (in you donor install) for any Bf110 shared textures - they maybe in a sub folder. Copy them to your MAW install.

Pat :)
Does anyone have a recommendation as to which BF 110 donor cockpit should be used. For example, one of the ETO 110s or a GC craft?