Upgrading Mobo and CPU?


Staff member
This is only a what if scenario right now because I know it will be expensive and I'm not into "expensive" right now. I just want some opinions on what will work within my current tower.

My current Motherboard is an MSI760G-E51
My current CPU is a 3.90Ghz FX-4300 Quad-Core

I'm currently running 16Gig of Memory.

For those who remember, this is the Computer that was built with donations from everyone here at SOH after my previous system was fried. . .hook, line and sinker. I don't even remember how long ago that was but it has been many, many years ago now. It has been a great system, but P3D_V4 has shown it to be lacking and if I intend to continue at all I'll have to bite the bullet and improve on what I have or go back to FSX and be content with that.

So any opinions will be appreciated.
Whatever you decide to do, do not buy an AMD CPU.
Ideally an Intel i7-6700 will give you great performance.
An SSD drive is also great to have for the OS and sim.
Within the past 3 months I did what you are considering. I'm running P3D V4 quite well on a B350 chipset AM4 mobo (under $100) and a AMD Ryzen 1700 overclocked CPU (I've seen them recently for under $300). Study up on transferring your MS operating system to avoid paying for another operating system. For Windows 10 you move onto what is called an electronic license. PM me if you need more details, but "googling" the issue should get you all the information you need. Be advised, however, depending on how you got your operating system (new vs. upgraded from prior windows versions) you may not be able to use it on "new" equipment.

The remainder of your system should be good for use with the new items. I'm waiting for the newer graphics cards to become available at a reasonable price. The newly released AMD Ryzen chips perform comparably to Intel chips for less $$. The system works very well for me.