Upgrading the USA


Charter Member
G'day all

After after a recent trip to the U.S., I've becomed enamoured with the idea of doing a little VFR flying around there, so would like to give the scenery a modest upgrade. I was thinking of getting Ultimate Terrain USA for FS9, and some mesh. I see FSGenesis has 76m for the U.S. for about $12.
I'm not really worried about airport upgrades - I'd just like to explore the countryside. Would anyone recommend this as a cost effective way of going about it, or are there any other options I should know about? Also, I'm running VOZ; provided I "UnVOZ", is this likely to create any conflict or anomalies?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated


If you have the time to do the downloading...there is free FSGenesis mesh on Flightsim.com for the US. 38.2m (LOD 10) resolution. I haven't tried any of it....but will be doing so soon.

FSGenesis mesh is the cat's meow. A must have IMHO. I bought the entire set for the world on DVDs. Gottfried's photoreal scenery packages are Summer only, but are the best for the US around. I also consider payware GE Pro and UT-USA essentials.

Thanks for the feedback guys. It looks like the 2 DVD of FSGenesis 38m mesh would be the go, but downloading the 76m mesh is probably easier and quicker. Other than that I think I'll grab a copy of UT.
wowzers, I just checked out the Gottfried Razek offerings at FlightSim;
this stuff looks amazing and I will be busy downloading for a while.
I sure wish he would move northwest
and work over the Olympics and the Cascades

clicky here----. http://www.blueskyscenery.com/
his homepage, and check out Mt Rainier Nat'l Park



The scenery looks fantastic. Has me wondering. Would this Gottfried Razek's photoscenery blend with FS Global 2010 very well?