Upload Help



~S~ All,

I wanted to upload the AAC_Minute-Maid (PT_76) and her evil twin Brune Hilda (SB_76), but it has been so long since my last upload, I can not figure how to do it. I also would like to upload the AAC_Dam Plug, for multiplayer use with the Dambusters scenery. I like the Outhouse, but I would rather send them a check, then to ask you to pay for the download. Besides, they would probably have to pay you to take them. Hubbabubba said they were better then the AAC_Khloee, but I do not think they would be worth a donation. So, how do I get to the Freeware Upload site.

Just go to add ons and you will see upload a file
just follow the steps and a password will be issued
any problems let me know
Thanks Henry and smilo

~S~ All,

Thanks, guys. I have an eye Dr. appointment next week. What else can go wrong. A prostate the size of football, I know when to go, but am not sure what if anything, I will be doing when I get there. Both knees move in different directions, when I fall, it is like I am trying to screw myself into the ground. Can't ware the braces because they chip the bones in my legs. The heart is fixed for now. They took my clothes in Biloxi and sent me to Houston in their pajamas. When I was released in Houston they wanted the pj's back. I said I came in pajamas, why can't I leave in them. They wanted to know If I could pick them out of about 10,000 others. I asked for a blanket or a sheet, I came in with both. More sheets and blankets then pj's. I had to wait for some pour sole to die who was my size and had no family. I always wanted a Hawaiian wedding shirt. He was probably on his honeymoon. It could have been worse, it could have been paisley.

Well thanks again,

By the way Henry, I know right where you live, of where your office is, I guess. The last time I was in that area it was light industrial. I got ptomaine poisoning from KFC, and ended up in the hospital at Barksdale AFB. They made me leave my pistol at the main gate.

I drove back to the motel and cleaned out my room, then hit the Joker Poker machine for $500.00 and headed back to New Orleans. About 20 miles out of town I got very sleepy and pulled over and read the RX bottle. Do not drive or operate machinery. I got into the back of the van and the next thing I knew it is the next day.

I think I need to change my motto to: "Me thinks I post to much."
