Upload Problem


I see that others have started uploading files, but I still can't upload.

When I click on the menu to bring up the upload screen, the one where you enter your upload password, instead I get this error page:
Member Area

Only Logged-in Members can Upload Add-ons, please register or Log-in

Of course I am registered as a member and I'm logged in. I tried logging out and logging back in again, but that didn't help. I have no idea what to try next.


I see that others are able to upload files...

Any idea what this is all about?
Mick..its about a server crash from several weeks ago..Its an ongoing problem and is being worked on non stop by Ickie ..It will take time but will get resolved...

Sorry for any inconvienence....

I knew about the server crash, but I figured that once uploads worked for anyone, they'd work for all.
It's a slow process, unfortunately. Ickie's working hard to get everyone's access restored.
I believe it has something to do with charter member 09
i think thats one of the Quirks in our system
it was before the last crash