Charter Member
I have finally uploaded Tazman's beautiful WW1 model aircraft
Included in this Package
(1)Red Barons Side Kick (rbsk1.rar)
(2)Red Baron (red.rar)
(3) tds_Snoopy_Sopwith
(4) tds_snoopy
(5)4254xxdr1 (DR1 Skin)
(6) 152454dr1 (DR1 Skin)
(7) camoeindecker (E-4 camo)
(8) dr1part1 (DR1 Part 1)
(9) dr1part2 (DR1 Part 2)
(10) fokker_e4 (E-4)
(11) 425lrbsdr1 (Dr1 Skin)
(12) 586tazdr1 (Dr1 Skin)
Taz asked me sometime ago to upload his work I had.
Thanks to Taz for these..
For all who have a child's heart for fun..
Merry Christmas from Master Taz, and a hobbit..
CFS3 downloads - Beta..
Included in this Package
(1)Red Barons Side Kick (rbsk1.rar)
(2)Red Baron (red.rar)
(3) tds_Snoopy_Sopwith
(4) tds_snoopy
(5)4254xxdr1 (DR1 Skin)
(6) 152454dr1 (DR1 Skin)
(7) camoeindecker (E-4 camo)
(8) dr1part1 (DR1 Part 1)
(9) dr1part2 (DR1 Part 2)
(10) fokker_e4 (E-4)
(11) 425lrbsdr1 (Dr1 Skin)
(12) 586tazdr1 (Dr1 Skin)
Taz asked me sometime ago to upload his work I had.
Thanks to Taz for these..
For all who have a child's heart for fun..
Merry Christmas from Master Taz, and a hobbit..
CFS3 downloads - Beta..