Uploaded the ETO Batle of the Atlantic Missions


Charter Member
I have uploaded the ETO: Battle of the Atlantic missions...
Intell has infomation that U-boats are active in the channel, have a Look see. If you spot any activity, engage the targets; report any U-boats or activity you may encounter
Fly a search in the channel, several RN ships have been attacked in this area. Intell says, a "Milk Cow" and German resupply ship is operating in the area. These Supply Subs and ships enable the Wolf packs to stay out longer. Hitting them is of Great value. Our Naval Bases are full in and around Portsmouth.. These ships are here for convoys forming with escort. These are not based on Fact, Just fun..
The "German Flakship" By Crossram is used..Here at SOH..Along with the Ark Royal at Regs Hanger.. The links are included in the readme..
I wish to thank Crossman for his great flakship, and Regs Hanger and the GC group for the HMS Ark Royal..
Lots of eye candy for those who like it..
And targets that shoot back..Watch the German Flakship it is a mean little boat..Bravo to Crossman for this..
These are dedicated to Beau for his help and patience..And for giving me H*** when I mess up..LOL..And As He will tell you I do that alot..
I hope all will enjoy these..:applause:
I think I lost my connection on the first try..
Didn't get e-mail confirming the upload will try again
I have confirmation now..
I made a mistake in the Post I Said the german flakship was by Crossman Not Crossram as it should be..I am Very Sorry to Crossram for this,, It is correct in the read me for the mission..A type mistake that I made..The German flakship is a work of art..And it is a great gift to all of us..
I am sorry for the typo..BRAVO to Your Work Crossram..
The problem is your little ship keeps poking holes in my Plane..LOL..
And the Mossie or Beaufighter don't do well full of Holes..LOL..
With this mission "<Params Version="3.0" Directive="anti_ship" Country="Britain" Aircraft="mosquito_mkxviii" Airbase="tane136" Date="7/16/1941" Time="04:00" Weather="highclouds.xml" Multiplayer="y" MultiplayerOnly="n"/>
<Title>BOA RAF Mossie Mk XVIII Sub search</Title>
<SubTitle>U-Boat defence Mossie Mk XVIII</SubTitle>"

the mosquito (Player) cannot drop bombs ? the ordonance seams ok but cannot drop.
Thanks in advance
Just off the top of my head...I think that Mossie carrys some bombloads internally. If so, ya gotta open the bomb bay doors, before you can drop 'em.
Yes open the bomb bay doors,,It is shift+B..then the bombs will drop..
Not that it helps the German Flakship keeps shooting my mossie full of holes..LOL..LOL..
...and that's why me old mate, Coastal Command gave up on bombing shipping as soon as they had rockets available, they could stand off and shoot!
bah.. mossies.. bombs.. good old Swordfish with a cigar on board is the only way.. Tally Ho!:icon31:
Good deal, Emile. (Hehe, I've done the same thing.)

Lol. 'Monster' flakship??
My little tub? Ha!
Sounds like my little tub is getting a reputation.

Just doing what they were designed for. Swatting flies. :pop4:
This little ship is a wonderful addition to all of us here..Thank You..Now if i can ever get enough Rockets into it I shall sink it..LOL..Crossram, I am building some more missions as we speak using this little "Monster" it is a great ship to shoot at..LOL