A game is something that you have the end goal of winning. Points are gained by accomplishing some achievement, with the objective of gaining more points that the other team(s). Games have a clear cut beginning and end, with a strict set of rules defining how you must conduct yourself during play.
Flight Simulation is something that you do for the shear fun of it, with no goal other than enjoying the experience and history of the aircraft you are flying. No score is kept as there is no opponent, other than gravity, turbulence, mountains and strong cross winds on landing. Flight simulation has no clear cut beginning or end, only departure and arrival times...which are open and flexible due to the need to divert to other air fields due to poor weather or mechanic problems. Flight simulation has no strict set of rules that one must follow....if you think you can land a B-52 on an aircraft carrier and want to try it, you are free to do so, if you think you can do a hammerhead stall in a fully loaded 747, let me tell you..YOU CAN'T..I have tried and failed miserably every time...but please feel free to try to do so on your own...it is quite an experience. And that, in a nut shell, is what Flight Simulation is all about..the experience.