USAAF air bases in UK


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Dose anyone know if these scenery for USAAF bases for CFS3 (especially Molesworth)? I have Just finish reading Osprey's 303rd Bombardment Group and would to create some mission and a campaign using the Molesworth air base.
Hi Riley,

If you install the ETO addon just released, you will get a whole swag of accurate historical airbases, RAF and USAAF, in a patch coming out march next year by the same ETO group you will get a whole heap of new USAAF bases, you wont beleive the detail in them.

regards Rob.
Hi Riley :wavey:

Molesworth is in the works as are a stack of 8th and 9th airforce bases (courtesay of Flashgordon).

In the meantime USAAF Rattlesden is already in the post '43 eras.
a teaser..

Thanks for the heads up guys, can't wait for the ETO new update. Many of the 303's squadrons operated solely from Molesworth. And yes m8 the book is a good read, it has a lot of information on the missions flown as well as color plates of some of the aircraft operated by the 303 BG and pictures of the groups noseart.