USAAF Texan repaints?


Charter Member
Did anyone do a repaint of a standard USAAF Texan for the Alphasim model? There seems to be plenty of US Navy scheme's but the USAAC/USAAF was also a huge operator of the type. I've been trawling the usual haunts but can't find any.

Cheers :ernae:
I have about 100 repaints....but as you say most are either European or US Navy schemes. Only USAAF one I can find at the moment is John Terrell's 'Double-Vee' schemed AT-6C.

Not that I have flown the model for quite sometime now. It was just that little bit too easy to fly.

I would agree with that, it should require much more attention on landing for a start, afterall it's supposed to be an advanced trainer to lead into hardcore fighters!
I was a beta tester for the sadly curtailed Aeroworx example and that was close to the real thing. Ok, I only have about 35 hours and all from the backseat, but I would have appreciated something that was a little difficult to fly. But then again, thinking about it, no one would have bought it, if it was that realistic. I had a few months off of work once, due to a ground loop (my fault wasnt strapped tightly into my seat, was I) and I suppose something like this is hard to duplicate in the sim?

I was a beta tester for the sadly curtailed Aeroworx example and that was close to the real thing. Ok, I only have about 35 hours and all from the backseat, but I would have appreciated something that was a little difficult to fly. But then again, thinking about it, no one would have bought it, if it was that realistic. I had a few months off of work once, due to a ground loop (my fault wasnt strapped tightly into my seat, was I) and I suppose something like this is hard to duplicate in the sim?


Ouch that doesn't sound too clever, but you learned something that day! We nearly took the PT-19 up on Tuesday but as the viz was poor we decided against it, it would've been most embarrasing landing in someone's back yard by accident lol!
I sure would buy it if it flew and handled like the real thing, Have a WWII Navy pilot friend and he said "if you could fly a SNJ you could fly anything the Navy had". Don't like them dumbed down.
I'm saying this tongue in cheek

You could always get the SkyUnlimited AT6D. Default paint scheme is USAAF and is available in FS9 and FSX. We've been complimented on Jerry's flight model as well

I sure would buy it if it flew and handled like the real thing, Have a WWII Navy pilot friend and he said "if you could fly a SNJ you could fly anything the Navy had". Don't like them dumbed down.

Exactly, compare it the WoP/A2A Mustang, that'll bite ya ass off if you mistreat it lol!
My Navy pilot friend also has some time in the F2G-2 Corsair. Except for lots of right rudder and brake with the Corsar, the SNJ was harder he said, a real pilot maker. I think the new P-51B/C are better than the WOP Mustangs.
I was at work when I posted the screenshot and yes it's FSX. It was made by Nick Churchill and I got it from the SkyUnlimited website.

Here's a shot of the FS9 version, showing off the ability to turn off the guy in back if so desired. And it also shows the updated prop model which will be included with the custom gauge upgrade for all the FS9 models which will be officially announced in the not too distant future.

I have a model of exactly that USAAF it at the local Salvation Army Thrift Store a week or two back...need to get out and buy some paints and get it put together.

Yep, the paint scheme is based on the Monogram kit 85-5306. An incredible kit as it allows you to build a multitude of versions, including one with the machine gun on the mount in back. You can even have the seat in back turned around so the air crew guy faces toward the back. There's even an exhaust extension so that you can build a Harvard version. I still haven't put my copy together as it is a bigger help in modeling to have it still in parts than it is to glue it all together.
The one downside to the Texan model, and the other 2 I bought at the Salvation Army Thrift Store, is that it does not have a directions sheet. All the parts are there, the decals are there...but no directions. I will have to do some searching online to see if I can find them.

I was back in the store Wedneday (50% off day) and they had put out a 1/32 scale F-104G and a very nice Constellation. I should have gotten my wife insisted I do...but funds are a bit tight at the moment, so I passed on them. Of course, they will most likely be gone next week when I will have money to spare.

I can scan the directions for you. It's 6 pages. I won't have it done tonight, but I can have them to you by Saturday
I'm going to have to get the SkyUnlimited one, aren't I? :)

I did help a little before it was released and then Mum died and for ages I lost all interest in the sim. Now, I'm gradually getting back into it all and I suppose really this should be at the top of my list.

Umm got paid today, might have to flex that debit card this weekend.....

Best wishes to all,
