USAF gauges


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member

There are sites for RAF and Luftwaffe, but I cannot find a definitive site for USAF ww2 cockpit instruments? tks

sounds like your busy!

Yes making a A-20 Havoc II for the TOW add on James and I are working on. It will cover the nightwar from the Blitz until the great 1000 plane raid. Milton Shupe gave me his P70 and I have been making it an A-20. He is the guy who gave me the beaufighters too (great person!). The beaus are nearly there need to update pits and it seems we have 11 of them ETO/MTO :dizzy:. The Manchester will be off to Rob for his treatment in a day or so. Then it is finish the stirling pit (won't be a good as what you can do but I'll try:a1310:)

I have tried to label trim levers and supercharger controls in the newer models so if this point and click thing works.....


Oh the Havoc had 12 303's in the nose when it fires it looks like a flare. Would not want to be on the receiving end of all those little bees...could be a lethal sting.
I did a search for USAAF WWII gauges, as the Air Force was known as back then. Came up with pics of some, if you click on the pictures, might take you to a site with better descriptions of them.

Oh, found a site that has catalogs of USAAF gauges used in RAF lend lease planes. It is late war so some of the early stuff is missing, but it has great pictures and all the dimensions. So now I can properly size the gauges. Woot so much fun.

Do pobachennya!:ukraine:
Thanks Ted. Things are looking good on the nightfighter front. I am sure your Stirling will look great. When you get close I have some random VC parts I can send you if you need. I believe they are mostly mapped but need texture applied and to be arranged on texture sheet.

As you know the Sunderland yoke , pedals and throttle column should work pretty well for the Stirling.
