Use of Map Bug



I've on the forum where some people have had an issuing of the game freezing or crashing when using the in-flight map.

I did not have this issue initially, but do now with a vengeance. This needs to be fixed ASAP! The map is essential. Plus, crashes/loss of games, etc. is VERY aggravating.

Can't see how this was overlooked in the extensive playtesting that went on before release.
Try this:

There is one way you could reduce the draw on your video card whilst looking at the maps. which is possibly causing your crash.
in the folder:

C:\Program Files\OBD software\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\uires\map

you will find 3 bitmap images.


if you open the High and med images with say paintshop or even paint (which is a standard MS image editing program) and resize them to the following sizes.

alt_high.bmp 469x461 pixels

alt_med.bmp 938x922 pixels

this will greatly reduce the size of the image, but is barely noticable in game.

Courtesy of Winder. :)
Thanks, Siggi, I will try this.

Hopefully, versions 1.2 or 1.3 will address this.
I've on the forum where some people have had an issuing of the game freezing or crashing when using the in-flight map.
Can't see how this was overlooked in the extensive playtesting that went on before release.

Very simple actually, the Developers were testing to make sure that under no conditions, would an aircraft take a swan dive, into the Dirt

Maps ? . . . OH YEA we have a map. If every possible eventuality was tested, under every possible condition. I figure a release date as being the Fall of 2012 . . or 13

That's why patches are issued :ernae: