Used the you tube ETO install guide and CTDS galore

I used the Win 7 64 bit install guide to install ETO to 1.40 and the hotfix.

I could load the game or select different eras.

I decided to select 1940,and the 1940 campaign.

I selected a pilot and found a sortie.

Then I selected Fly and flew the bird from the runway.

After about one minute, the game ctds.

I tried again and again and get the same result.

Using a clean CFS 3 patched to 3.1a.

I am using two different controllers,CH Pro throttle and T16000m joystick.

Could that be the problem?

TY for any help.
Running for a while then CTD typically indicates a memory problem rather than a bad install or corrupted files. Sometimes video driver updates can help. The last time I had a major bought of this it turned out to be that I needed to limit my quad-processor to just using one or two of the CPUs.
I'm brand new to CFS3 and just installed ETO v1.40 plus hotfix and got CTD's at about 1 minute of flight also. Turned out I had not yet started adjusting the Spawn Points to match the Era and side (Allies or Axis). I found a thread that said you would get CTD's about a minute or two into your flight if spawn points are not set correctly to match Era and side and when I adjusted the spawn points the problem went away. Might be that if you're not already doing it. Spawn points have to be set for ETO to work...its not optional and ETO won't run on Stock spawn settings (at least from my experience).
Uninstalled everything and retried.
After ETO rev 1 installed ,following the guide again I tried to run the first era 1940.
I'm getting an error message.

Generic error occured while saving xml document to file.