Using FreeTrack instead of TrackIR


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first thank you so very much for making my dream sim, I tried P1 years ago, it not working on my machine very well, I've now spent up and bought a top notch PC for flying this. Hope the UK orders come in soon!

I have to ask, I cant, nor don'f really want to fork out for TrackIR and wondered if anyone had got FreeTrack working with this, it lists CFS3 as supported.

Does anyone have any hints of tips for it please?

If not Ill post back with any findings when the game arrives.

Thanks again, and thanks for any help

Go to the forum of freetrack, its something like, but it is easy find on Google. These free track guys on the forum will help you.

I'm also trying build it, using a Wii remote and a blue tooth adapter.

And search in youtube for FreeTrack
I'm also trying build it, using a Wii remote and a blue tooth adapter.

Now that sounds like a good idea. I'll have to give it a try. Using the Wiimote's motion sensors and bluetooth avoids all the reflection problems of TIR and having to have your head in just the right place. Plus, Wiimotes and bluetooth cards are much cheaper :jump:

Thanks for the tip. I'd never heard of this before.
Thanks for the advice, glad It brought it to some others attention too. Will have a look at what goes on, need to get to maplin too, and well wait for my copy of OFF to arrive!

Thanks to all
