Using freeware gauges

Wild Bill Kelso

Charter Member 2011
Hi again!

Besides all this repainting stuff, I also was fiddling on a decent panel for the C-46 Commando:


Now I'd like to share it with you.

Packing it with the several gauges is easy using FS Panel Studio, but what about the gauges to be included?
As you may have recognized, they are a crude mixture of DC-6, Convair, Connie and some other (the Radar Altimeter is taken from a Breguet Atlantic), and I just don't know the origin or author for some of them. But I'm sure that there's no payware gauge taken...
None of the gauges is modified.

Am I allowed to publish the whole package 'as is' without colliding with any laws (written or unwritten)?

Thanks in advance,
Wild Bill

I have uploaded a fairly decent number of panels in my time...and included gauges with those panels. Very few of the gauges were from known sources (usually Mopar Mikes MAPE gauges). For those gauges for which I was not certain of the makers, but certain that they came with other freeware planes, I simply stated that I had no clue as to who made the gauges, and asked that if anyone recognized a gauge as one they made or knew who made it, to please let me know and I would give credit in a revised read me file. Also, I included that if the maker of a gauge I used objected to the inclusion of one of his/her gauges in my package to let me know and I would have the package removed from the library and would replace the gauge with a different one.

This approach seems to satisfy the powers that be. And I have not heard from a single person about a single gauge.

I think as long as you make the effort to give proper credit and not imply that you made the gauges, you will be ok.
Over the course of collecting a boneyard full of planes I've noticed that, in addition to some default gauges, there are often "repacks" - default gauges slightly modified and re bundled with some a/c (probably to dodge a possible MS copyright issue). It seems that other than the overtly payware gauges, most people are tolerant and forgiving. I've tried to keep track of sources and it's nigh on impossible except where specific reference is made and/or use prohibited.

Mostly, OBIO's approach seems to work.

and if you want a REALLY new C-46 panel
White?? maybe to reduce the contrast on those snowy arctic days:icon_lol:
When we were building the C-46, I found that no two C-46 panels are alike today. I found a very few pics from back in the 40s and 50s and those were used to make a composite.
Hey Markus,

I love the panel you made. Would be a great one not only for the Buffalo whales but also for the Everts C-46's.

Hopefully you'll upload it sometime sowhere. I'm looking forward.

Hello Markus!
Nice panel you made for the C-46! Do the gauges show in vc-mode too?
If you upload this panel anywhere, I'm definitely going to reinstall this big charming underpowered Commando-whale... Sometime ago I made a decent 2D panel bmp. from the same picture, but with fs9 default gauges. ( and I don't have the FS Panel Studio,+ the bmp. was made with good old Ms Picture It! 99 )

Thank you for your support, guys!

In the meantime, I obtained Tom 'Calclassic' Gibson's kind approval to include his DC-6 gauges to the pack. There are just some other gauges left to trace their origin...

To state this clear at this point:
This panel is not intended to be the accurate representation of a certain Commando's office. The fact that 'no two C-46 panels are alike today' is a nice excuse to orientate the mounted panel equipment to my needs. My limited situational awareness for instance makes the presence of a HSI inevitable... :icon_lol:

But I think the usage of Tom's great DC-6 gauges set represents a good compromise between classic and useful instruments.

@ daypharris:
I think I'll keep the VC 'as is'. I prefer a convenient 2D panel offering all the stuff I need, and there are just a few planes I use to fly from within the VC. Additionally it doesn't seem to make much sense to me to just replace some of the VC gauges without altering the basic apperance of the panel itself. But I don't have any experience in modeling, even the simple trick to remove the 'shine' from some models is beyond my abilities...
