USNS Mercy available at SOH


Charter Member
I have uploaded at SOH the files with the USNS Mercy and Comfort as landable, static ships. There are 4 sceneries: 1) the USNS Mercy at her home port in San Diego, with a landable hospital in the city 2) the USNS Comfort in Baltimore 3)the USNS Comfort in Haiti, together with the SNS Castilla, also landable, a Spanish ship which also was there to help the people of Haiti 4) a rescue mission near the Moroccoan coast with several ships and a shipwreck. All of them for helicopter fans.


Have fun, and safe landings.
Hmmm, if still not available here, I found it on Simviation:

Caution! Don't know about the package here, but the one I got from simviation, the "texture" folder had an extra s on the end, "textures". Be sure to rename it to just "texture" or you won't have

I did not notice that, you´re right. I Have added a note in the downloads page of SOH, and a corrected file in simviation.

Thanks a lot
Now here's a good job for an Osprey!

Tailormade to carry out a high speed pattern search, and then hang about to deliver/pick up the goods.

I flew straight off the Tanger strip in Morocco, found the Mercy, and within 3 minutes had my survivors out of the drink!


Many thanks for doing this!