V1 launched by He 111


Charter Member
Hi Fighters,

have a look to the V1 launched by a He 111. This was one of the first rockets/flying bombs of long distances started from an aircraft.

All the best
Clive, the range I don't know exactly. But you can find informations in the internet "He111 with V1"

The first air launches from III/KG 3 HE 111 bombers was on 7 Jul 44, from their base in Gilze Rijen Holland. They had launched 400 against London, Southampton, and Bristol by August at a typical altitude of 1500 ft. The campaign picked up again in mid-September, and ran through mid-January for a further 1200 launches against targets as far north as Manchester. Only about 20% reached populated areas with just 66 hitting London. During this same period 1600 were air launched against Antwerp and Brussels. 80 HE 111 bombers were shot down during these missions. The A1 version they used had a nominal range of 150 miles at 400 mph after launch. The later (March 1945) F1 version with a 230 mile range was never air launched as by then there were no longer operational aircraft available. :salute:
Would this be a viable AI aircraft to go against in a campaign intercept mission? Would it fire the V-1 and we can give chase?
I've yet to come across a V-1 in the air in any campaign mission. I know the V-1 exists as an aircraft, but I've never seen one in flight.
Years ago I built myself a small mission where I'd modified the V1 with a Nuke warhead, and it was inbound on my airbase. I had to take off, fly out and intercept before it got to my base. You basically got one head on pass, a high G turn and a short pursuit before it was too late. It was a bit of fun, and you always had to calculate how far to chase before you broke off and ran for the hills because if you didn't get it in time you couldn't escape the A Bomb blast. I only survived about 1 time in 10 and that was a mixture of both mission success, and running away.
Years ago I built myself a small mission where I'd modified the V1 with a Nuke warhead, and it was inbound on my airbase. I had to take off, fly out and intercept before it got to my base. You basically got one head on pass, a high G turn and a short pursuit before it was too late. It was a bit of fun, and you always had to calculate how far to chase before you broke off and ran for the hills because if you didn't get it in time you couldn't escape the A Bomb blast. I only survived about 1 time in 10 and that was a mixture of both mission success, and running away.

hard core! Lol, sounds like a great mission :medals: