V2.5 to v3.x


My number of activations for my copy of 2.5 has run out, and Lockheed’s support has been unresponsive over the past week. I am wondering if is worth it to upgrade to v3.x from 2.5. I have several FSX planes that I enjoy that won’t work in v4.0. A2A P-40, and the Classic Hanger FW-190s. Will they work in 3.x, or should I just buy another lisence for 2.5?
Yeah just give it a few days, or possibly post on the P3D forum also. They should give you more activations no problems. I wasn't even aware there was a limit actually.

If you were going to upgrade now or in the future I would recommend skipping V3 (as much as I like it) and going straight to V4. There are many improvements, and it is 64 bit which solves a lot of issues such as OOMs. You can always keep your older sims installed to use older addons. I currently have FSX, P3DV3 and P3DV4 installed and use them all.

I don't know about the P-40, but the classics hanger Fw-190 will work in v3 and in v4. There are some tweaks involved, but they do work.

A mate only has v4.3 and he's got the Fw-190 (all versions) working in there. I'll ask him what needs to be done.

Personally after using both V4 and V3 for a while, while V3 is definitely a step up from V2, its a small step up while V4 is a major step up, I would go right to V4.

As Priller said the CH FW-190 does work in V4, and if the A2A P-40 does not work (I don't know if it does), Flight Replicas has an excellent P-40 you could replace it with.
I keep P3D3 on my HD simply because it runs certain aircraft the P3D4 wont.
I like my CS tube liners but they aren't happy in P3D4 and I find the move toward updating them glacial.
Typical Captain Sim dragging of feet.
But agreed, P3D4 is streets ahead of P3D2 and P3D3.
I had thought about getting the CH Fw190 for some time and this was a good excuse to get it.

The installer won't let you install in a location other than the main FSX folder, so I ended up making a list of all the files in the FSX folder before I ran the installer (open a terminal, cd to the FSX folder, dir /b/s > before.txt). Ran the installer, make another list of files after the install, and then by comparing I found all the files that needed to be copied.

So far everything with it seams to work fine in 4.3, only issue I have with it is that its missing the historic tail insignia
I had thought about getting the CH Fw190 for some time and this was a good excuse to get it.

The installer won't let you install in a location other than the main FSX folder, so I ended up making a list of all the files in the FSX folder before I ran the installer (open a terminal, cd to the FSX folder, dir /b/s > before.txt). Ran the installer, make another list of files after the install, and then by comparing I found all the files that needed to be copied.

So far everything with it seams to work fine in 4.3, only issue I have with it is that its missing the historic tail insignia

They are available here Blanston: http://www.italianwings.it/

