v4: Nearly no navigable cars - What do you think?


v4 is the best way to me for flightsimming at moment. But unfortunately I can't find any navigable car (like the Willy's Jeep, Cobra, the Mercedes Unimog etc.) What do you think about it?
Will there be some models near future? Is it possible to update those FSX models for v4? It's fun to explore the addon sceneries by Avatars, but sometimes it's a long distance from one to the other end :running: - a car would be a better choice :wiggle:
Sorry for delay,

yes, you are right - I didn't clarify my question enough. I am looking especially for military vehicles which were all gone with v4 at last. I offered several models like military Land Rover and Bedford trucks for ambitious users to make them mobile some days ago, but there seems to be not much interest unfortunately.
So a Victoria Crown/Dodge Charger or a german BMW police car are really misplaced on RAF Air Bases. Only car I found meanwhile is the Dodge Viper, even it's a little too big in size (1,2:1 approx) it's fun to drive with anyway....

I am missing the vehicles like the Mercedes Unimog truck, the complete Hama vehicles (Stalwart, Firetrucks, Buses) and it's a shame to my opinion that ambitious modeller are gone to create appropriate vehicles for P3D or native FSX format at least.
As written above, for my Air Base sceneries, I built some detailed static models that would be great for navigable usage but I am not able to do it by myself.....
Oh, okay, btw - I had a quick look at FSDeveloper, but I can't fiind a tutorial how to make models mobile. May somebody give me a hint please, so maybe I will give it a try by myself...