vanilla cfs3 after a hard drive crash


G'day all..

I'm currently in the position of having to reinstall cfs3 after having my laptops hard drive die last weekend (somewhat inconvenient..)..after upgrading to a samsung evo 850 solid state and fighting with the computers innards for several days I now have a vanilla install (something I wanted to do,but knowing how much works involved in getting back to where i was is scary:dizzy:..)..what I'm curious to know is,is there a general consensus on what's our best/most commonly used sceneries/textures etc considering I'm like most and will be running ankors shaders again?..I loved what the shaders pack did for my cfs3,but I found that I was having issues with frame rates etc (I personally think it was more a combination of all the clutter I'd shoved in there over the years and bad set up,and not any fault of the shaders..)..any thoughts would be appreciated and interesting,this isn't intended to be a comparison,just interested in what everyone else thoughts are..
Just as a side note,I lost darn near everything cfs3 related,but managed to back up my gmax stuff before the disc died completely so the yamato is still a wip,and all other projects are all good:encouragement:..

I enjoy all the expansions for CFS3. Just depends what you are into. I recommend the ETO,PTO-RS, BoB,MAW and all expansions. All the expansions are great and i can't just pick one. My absolute favorite is the BoB expansion,but that is just me.Sorry you have to start over but now you know what to add and not to add. I keep everything on a back-up ssd just in case and it is something you may consider for the future.
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oops,I think I should rephrase the question..

I guess what I'm asking is..I'm starting from scratch beginning with a stock cfs3,then adding scenery (eg: jbsceneryv2 etc,different water etc,skyboxes,working up to reinstalling ankors shaders..what i'd like to know is personal opinion on what works best,or looks nicest to them..
I've been playing cfs3 since around o6,so I'm pretty comfortable playing around with the games bits (had to learn because of the model building side of things..)..I have had stock,pto slomons,korean skies and an aborted attempt to install rising sun all on there up to the hard drive crash,so I will get them back on there again..but for now I would like to get my stock install sorted out as all my general testing goes on there..
I hope I made a bit more sense this time as I think this could become a useful reference for anyone having to start all over again..
I did back up everything on a hdd,but they are all individual compressed files or installers (as they were downloaded..)..
Again any thoughts/opinions are welcome

So I'm not entirely clear on what you want to do. I assume you keep a vanilla CFS3 install with the 2 updates separate from all other installs and without any add ons? This would be the basis (or a copy of this) for all other installs. Are you using ETO as your main European Theatre install? I only ask as the only other European install I use is BoB. All mods in that theatre I use are in either ETO or BoB.