VC editing question


Can some kind person explain how I can edit the zoom for a VC, besides the +/- keys? I assume there is a posting or two that covers this, and any other helpful panel nuggets. Thanks whoever.
ctrl enter moves the eye point back with out changing the zoom level.

ctrl backspace moves it forward.

Watch out you can go so far back that you can not click the controls
You can adjust the eye point in the config file to change the position of the point of view.


eyepoint= 5.548, -1.135, 2.58

The first number moves the eye point forward and back

The second number moves the eye point side to side

The third number moves the eye point up and down

I was thinking more like a panel cfg edit or something. Every VC pops up at some pre-set zoom and I was wondering where this value is located.
I have F1 View but wanted to see if there was a method like above.
Long ago in a thread now lost PRB pointed out an article by someone that went into great detail on how to change the point in FS.

It was a really good article that I lost when I lost my book marks in March.

Maybe he still has it and can post it here.
This was it:

It’s a long read, especially of all you want to know is how to move the eye-point, as OBIO has shown above. But it is a very interesting read on all aspects of “tuning” your view from both the VC and the 2D panel. After reading this, I was surprised to notice how many modelers don’t go through this “control interface harmonization” process.
I was thinking more like a panel cfg edit or something. Every VC pops up at some pre-set zoom and I was wondering where this value is located.
I have F1 View but wanted to see if there was a method like above.

Now that I am clear on what you are asking, look in the panel.cfg in the [Views] section. This section allows atatements to control view direction, angle, zoom, pan, tilt, etc. in each window controlled by the keypad view directions. These statements are documented in the AircraftContainer SDK.

If your panel.cfg does not have a [Views] section, you can add it.

Here is an example from our D18S (Note that it is incorrect and bad to use anything but 100% zoom :) :


VIEW_FORWARD_DIR=8.000, 0.000, 0.000

VIEW_FORWARD_RIGHT_DIR=0.000, 0.000, 45.000

VIEW_RIGHT_EYE=0.000, -0.100, 0.000
VIEW_RIGHT_DIR=0.000, 0.000, 90.000

VIEW_REAR_RIGHT_EYE=0.000, -0.100, -0.800
VIEW_REAR_RIGHT_DIR=0.000, 0.000, 135.000

VIEW_REAR_EYE=0.000, 0.000, 0.000
VIEW_REAR_DIR=0.000, 0.000, 180.000

VIEW_REAR_LEFT_EYE=0.000, -0.100, 0.000
VIEW_REAR_LEFT_DIR=0.000, 0.000, 225.000

VIEW_LEFT_EYE=0.000, -0.100, 0.000
VIEW_LEFT_DIR=0.000, 0.000, 270.000

VIEW_FORWARD_LEFT_DIR=0.000, 0.000, 315.000

VIEW_UP_DIR=-30.000, 0.000, 0.000
Thanks Milton. I'm on another machine at the moment so I can't look at anything now but can/should these lines be added to the VC section? I know they work up higher for the 2D panel but I don't remember seeing these kinds of lines elsewhere in the panel cfg. It is a bit confusing because there is eye-point, view angle, and zoom to be adjusted. It has taken me this long to get a handle on aircraft and game cfgs so I am now diving into panels.
Miltons on it and it 'should' work in the VC as well, at least in FS9 it does. You'll see in the top right corner, the zoom percentage when you enter those settings into your panel.cfg file.

Yes, works for the VC, and precisely why we use it to control degrees of angle for the various views (like to get the window pillar out of center view). Especially on taildraggers it is important to change the rearward pitch and sometimes the tilt or roll of the view.

We try to set the pilot's eyepoint precisely where it should be (using gmax coordinates) in the aircraft.cfg with the eyepoint statement. Then we set the the rest using the panel.cfg Views statements as above.

In the 2D panel view, we use the View_Forward_Dir{ection} statement to, in effect, "raise the seat" otherwise at typical AoA at cruise (2-3 degrees nose up) you will not see (much of) the terrain above the panel. I then adjust to agree with the VC FoV. Today, we typically do not use zoom except at 1.0.