vc panel problem


SOH Staff

been working on a new model of the Fairey Barracuda for CFS 2 without problem but when I've tried to generate the mdl for FS2002 ( using FSDSv2 ) the polygon for the gauges comes out black

View attachment 68662View attachment 68663

even when I have used the CFS 2 mdl ( which works fine in CFS2 ) I get the same problem -- since I'm using the same data but to a different FS I cannot figure it out -- has anyone else experienced this or got any idea where I might be going wrong ? help would be appreciated

Hello Baldy,

If you will send me the gmax source and the aircraft package, I will look at it.

It must be something simple.

But first, you might check these things:

file=vc01.bmp // If you use this statement, the bmp must be in the panel folder; if not, then in the texture folder
texture=$vc01 // obviously, you have this statement correct because the gauges are showing

Ensure you have the panel texture in the proper folder.

Ensure you have assigned a texture to the planar for the gauges. It can be pure black if you textured the panel behind it, otherwise it should have a panel texture assigned.
vc problem

Thank you sir your information has solved the problem - background color and position of bmp -

once again thank you -- do you think I should upload in FS2002 - I only really intended it in CFS 2
