Vertex Color?


Charter Member 2015
I'm wondering if what I'm wanting to do, can in fact be done.

I have in front of me my rudder. When I select vertex mode they show in a blue shade until I select a given vertex. When a vertex is selected it/they change to red.
What I would like to do (if possible) is change the vertex on one side of an object to a given color. Red = left side, Green = right side. I've looked through the settings and the only thing I see that's some what relevant is vertex paint. A Google search leads me no where that I can find.

Is the settings change possible?
Not that I know of, Don. The VertexPaint modifier doesn't change the colour of vertices as such, but colours the object in ways I haven't yet found a use for. Are you trying something to simplify UVW mapping by any chance?
Not that I know of, Don. The VertexPaint modifier doesn't change the colour of vertices as such, but colours the object in ways I haven't yet found a use for. Are you trying something to simplify UVW mapping by any chance?

I was thinking there was no option to do what I was needing. Time to re-create what I had in the first place and then get very selective. Even though I select "ignore backfacing", when I select a given group of vertex, it always selects those on the other side also. I painstakingly lost all the work I did on the rudder due to back faces not being ignored as checked. (insert foul language here) Lesson learned.

I've read up on Painting vertex. It is useful if applied correctly through the mapping channels from what I read.
I get out of it that the vertex can be shaded and/or colored in key areas. Example? Areas bordering the aileron, rudder, elevator, wing fillet, etc, the vertex could be shaded through Gmax (or 3Dsmax) to aid or give shading properties that are shown by natural lighting conditions related to the real world.

Then again, we can do the same with a paint program. BUT, if my thoughts are correct we could do it right in Gmax and have better control how the shading density at different sun/light elevation levels change throughout the day.

A bit of info here.

And here.
Sorry Don, this is where gmax hits the buffers. I understand now what you're thinking of but FS doesn't support gmax - or 3ds max - shaders, so to use shadowing, shading etc generated in the modeling program you have to render them to a texture file and use that texture in FS. 3ds max does that very nicely, but gmax doesn't do rendering.

Back to the old drawing board, I'm afraid :-(

BTW thanks for the second link, that's answered some questions I've been pondering a long time! :jump: