Vertical lines !!??!!


Charter Member 2014
Anybody experience this before ????
I loaded some aircraft today and all of a sudden these vertical wavy lines show up !!
How do I get rid of them ?? I've gotten rid of the aircraft I loaded but the lines are still there.........:isadizzy:

View attachment 64709
Ive seen those in FSX but not in P3D.

Have you tried rebooting the sim to clear the memory?

I found out that if you 'reload user aircraft', that you also reload the entire AI world flight plans, doubling them. So if you reload your plane 3 times, you have 3 sets of AI running, which will bring your system to its knees quickly. I had saved a flight like that and if I boot up in it, its very low in frame rates. But if I boot up in other flights, its super fast in frame rates.

So... If you reloaded your plane a few times, and saved the point (maybe a few times) then you may be experiencing some huge ram useage, which with FSX experience has some wild side effects like gray and black planes, spikes going into space, flashing texture tiles on the ground, etc. Extreme memory use.

Looks to me like Fs9 fx files (that don't work in FsX) rather than the autogen spikes you get in FsX when taxing the video card.
I noticed the same thing while at a coastal airport. I have just done a computer reformat and will be reinstalling both FSX and P3D. Will see what happens. Someone said on the ORBX forums that it might have something with Their scenery being ported over with the SBSLs and something to do with the wake effects for the boats.
Thermal effects??

They sure look like thermals..............upward movement and slightly undulating.
What's weird is that they're only over water with land nearby. ?!?

Looks like re-install # 4 coming up......!!
The Ozone Hole effectsseriously, i have experienceds tooalso but only for an instant when a move around fastly with joystick and only when the simulator start then no more when i change aircraft
Kind of looks like a laser show, LD. :icon_eek:

I know one developer long ago was making a ship for FSX and had this issue. The effect was pointing upwards into the sky. Took him a while to get things right.

These are bow / stern wake effects from ships. You probably have an old wake effekt in your effects folder.
Found the Culprit file !!!!!

After a clean re-install and everything looking good, I loaded N.E. Airlines 1958 Livery Volpar (nevolpx) and whamo !!!! Vertical wakes !!!
I should have paid attention to all the warnings in the "read me".
I also have my doubts about the Dornier Seastar CD-2 (Seastar_3_x) file on my careful !!

Seems to be happening in ORBX area's after flying a while. I am certain this is virtual memory related as my computer is crashing with that statement.

VRAM... must have more VRAM!!!! :icon_eek:
Bill, when you boot into XP is it with the /3gb switch? That will help some with the spikes, along with turning down some scenery settings to lessen the load.