Very Close to Getting VR Working in CFS3 (Help Needed)


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Hi All!

I'm on the verge of getting my Oculus working with CFS3, I'll post what I've done so far so others can get to my stage, and then we can see if any of us can figure it out from there.

1. The first thing you'll need is the latest copy of Ankors Shaders in your ETO/CFS3 Install... This is important becasue VR only works with DX9 and newer. Heres the latest version at my date of posting available here on the site:

2. Secondly you'll need a program that can make any game into VR. You can use Vorp X for 40 USD, but I personally use Vireio Perception, a free alternative. (Make sure you get the latest of version 3, as version 4 only works on DX11 programs and newer).

3. Unzip Vireio perception to a folder on your PC, go into the /bin folder and copy over all .dll files into your ETO or CFS3 - make sure it's the folder that your CFS3.exe is located in (Unsure weather to use the normal ones, the 64 bit versions, or all of them). The dll files are d3d9.dll, hijackdll.dll, libfreespace.dll & vrboost.dll (or their 64 bit counterparts)

4. Once the .dll files are copied over, go back into the /bin folder and run perception.exe as administrator, make sure the drop down boxes have the correct options selected and boot up your game.

- Now, when I do this, it tries to boot in VR, loads up a bit, and then crashes to desktop. Obviously some modification is needed, but I was hoping someone else could take a look at this and see if they have better results. -

If you get it working, please reply to this thread and post your results below! It's time to bring CFS3 into beautiful 3D!

Best hopes, and best of luck,

Progress has been made over at the WOFF forums, and a guy called FlyingMonkey is working on it. In his words, this is the issue:

"Having WOFF work with VorpX or Vireio is going to be tricky, because the dx9 mod in previous versions and the current dx9 shaders for UE rely on the use of a file posing as the directx dll file in the directory of WOFF. VorpX is not compatible with that (ie there must be no directx dll in the game directory) and as far as remember vireio was supposed to work like that too. If we wanted to have some VR added, it would need to hook to Ankhor's mods to add stereoscopy + head tracking, or it would need to be part of Ankhor's code."

This is the same for CFS3. I'll keep this thread updated once more progress is made as it would seem working VR in WOFF means working VR in CFS3.
Thanks for the info. I can imagine this will be tricky with a lot of older games. Even FSX or P3D aren't perfect yet AFIK.
Sorry for necroing this old post, but has the VR status being changed for CFS3?
Is it now being possible to run the CFS3 game engine in 3D VR or do I have to pay for additional software like VorpX to run in 3D VR.
I'm curious if you're able to get it to work and what you're impressions are of it. It would be great if VR could be made a reality in CFS3, as I know there are a lot of people now who won't even consider a sim if it doesn't support VR. And it gives me something to look forward to should I one day be able to jump to a VR set. I've had my eye on an eventual monitor upgrade (when what I want becomes more affordable) but if VR works in CFS3 I might go that route instead (once it becomes more affordable).
I'm curious if you're able to get it to work and what you're impressions are of it. It would be great if VR could be made a reality in CFS3, as I know there are a lot of people now who won't even consider a sim if it doesn't support VR. And it gives me something to look forward to should I one day be able to jump to a VR set. I've had my eye on an eventual monitor upgrade (when what I want becomes more affordable) but if VR works in CFS3 I might go that route instead (once it becomes more affordable).

The guy who made this Youtube video, did mention later in his comment, its not real 3D VR. And I think I know what he is telling because I did run RoF on a 3D tv using 3D glasses. You will see depth but what you noticed are still 2D objects. Like seeing in a popup book or a very bad rendered 3D movie like you saw mostly after Avatar, when movie studios thought they could get more cash by simply convert 2D films to 3D.

But while a couple of year ago you did need extra software and lots of fiddling to make the tracking working, that aspect seems to be solved by VorpX.
I wonder what is different? All of our cockpits are modeled in 3d, so that shouldn't be the issue. It would seem that stereoscopic effect would be the same? Unless it is rendering the stereoscopic differently. Do the native vr games use two separate eyepoints instead of doubling and offsetting a single eyepoint, which is how I assume it works for CFS3?

Just bumping this thread along.

I'd like to try VR in a combat flightsim but the only ones that use it are either modern (not interested) or IL2 (don't like it) or DCS WW2 (too little content & expensive).

So, I'm really hoping that something can be done with CFS3, or am I just a wishful old fool? :playful:


No, not yet Daniel. I do have a little cash put away but am not willing to jump in just yet!
Headsets seem to go for sub £200 for a basic set to £600 for the top of the recommended range, flight sim wise but they come with controllers that aren't needed for flight sims. All a bit of a minefield for the unwary!
It is a minefield isn't it! One day I'd like to get one, as I think that may well be the future of flight sims. But having never even tried one, there are a lot of unknowns and it's a pretty big price tag for knowing so little.

Still, it seems like the head tracking and some limited 3D effect are possible in CFS3. I'm still not sure how to go about controls and if clickable cockpits will work though.
If you own a VR set and care about using it in CFS3, that would make you one of the only people who can tackle this question directly. I’m not sure if any of us who are modders here have one yet. I know that realistically I’m a few years out at least from owning one myself given the buy-in cost of a decent set plus PC upgrades. Until then, I’m keenly interested in whatever developments may come.
Between my very poor eyesight, and the real risk of vertigo I'm not going to go VR.

From what I see at the IL2-BOS forum it's a real game changer for those who make the switch (much as TrackIR and a curved screen was for my situational awareness). It's also a real challenge to get it working properly. Currently they have an issue with a particular brand of headset making the sun blindingly bright (literally) because of a game update that didn't foresee what would happen in VR.
From what I see at the IL2-BOS forum it's a real game changer for those who make the switch (much as TrackIR and a curved screen was for my situational awareness). It's also a real challenge to get it working properly. Currently they have an issue with a particular brand of headset making the sun blindingly bright (literally) because of a game update that didn't foresee what would happen in VR.

I was very skeptical, even negatively, about VR, until I did try VR at an arcade hall. And yes it is very stupid and written many times, but indeed there is no way back. I did give my monitor setup to my son and went back to an 2005 19” square monitor which did give me a very empty desk.
About IL2-BOS I know from experience that VR question will be solved properly.

The guys from IL2-Clod seems also being to release VR for Clod as can be read at the ATAG forum,
and at the Clod section from the official BoS forum.
Well, the big difference here is that Cliffs of Dover/Tobruk and the Great Battles series still have active official paid developer teams who can invest resources and develop proper support for VR from the original code. Microsoft kicked CFS3 to the curb well over a decade ago, so VR development isn't going to just magically materialize one day. Full true 3D VR may never be possible in CFS3 without source code. It seems that full VR head tracking with limited 3D capability is already possible. It seems like it's mainly a matter of the individual user setting it up.