Very long time since . . . .


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Some years ago years ago I bought a new gaming rig and never got FS2004 installed on it. Moving all the add-ons to the new rig as well as recreating years of tweaking seemed as a insurmountable task for a PC dummy like yours truly.

I tried once, only to get an error message from disk 4 that a specific file was unreadable and thus the installation would be aborted. After some serious cleaning and polishing of disk 4 I still got the error and gave up

Instead - meant as an interim solution - I moved to the 'Dark Side' of FPS' like COD, BF3 and BF4. And has been there ever since

Lately I have considered to give FS2004 a go. Either by somehow 'fixing' disk 4 or by purchasing FS2004 as used from someone, if still possible

And I thought I'd go here and see if the old girl is still alive and kicking. And I believe that the conclusion must be: Yes (That's truly amazing :)

However, I also see that with WIN10 on my rig, the plan may be grounded thoroughly and for good :-(

Take care

Hey Jesper,

If you send me a PM with your adress, I will send you a working copy on a USB-stick by mail. FS9 works ok on MY WinX.


Lately I have considered to give FS2004 a go. Either by somehow 'fixing' disk 4 or by purchasing FS2004 as used from someone, if still possible

And I thought I'd go here and see if the old girl is still alive and kicking. And I believe that the conclusion must be: Yes (That's truly amazing :)

However, I also see that with WIN10 on my rig, the plan may be grounded thoroughly and for good :-(

Take care


Not necessarily so, plenty of help in the tweeks and tips section at top of this forum.


On my Win 10 system, FS9 & GW3 were both kind of "cranky" in the beginning. FSX SE has always worked great on it, so I just never got around to trying to sort it out on my own. However, they're all working fine now. Must have been some Win 10 updates along the way that changed something that allowed the older ones to work better.